Though I'm supposedly in England, the weather here in Brighton seems to dictate otherwise.
I can feel the individual droplets of sweat erupting from the pores in my skin. Everywhere, not the just the normal places you sweat from. Even my teeth and fingernails, it seems.
-Getting caught on the roof
-Thursday's pub crawl and discovering my incredible tolerance to alcohol (no underlying sarcasm)
-Girly drinks
-Dance battle/collaboration with random breaker in the middle of Creation
-Getting my nose pierced, I'm going to be dangerously in trouble..
-Eating fish and chips
-Saturday night on the pier eating '99's (vanilla flavored frozen yogurt with a chocolate stick..)
-Saturday night downtown and very gay men in small, black hotpants
-England versus Portugal and the devastation following the match
-Not eating much meat but! being thankful that my suitmate is an amazing cook
-I've just booked a flight to Frankfurt, July 13th-July 17th. I'm excited for sausage (which sounds terribly misleading).
Plopped into a culture where youth isn't thrown away and maturity is hardly even an option, it's easy to justify irresponsibility. However, whatever constitutes irresponsibility in Irvine is certainly different from the criteria necessary to characterize onself as 'irresponsible' here in Brighton. Somewhat haphazardly, I've chosen to test my normally responsible character and challenge it to remain responsible in the most irresponsible of situations. Thus far, I've been successful in pushing these boundaries while simultaneously remaining self-aware of what I deem absolutely restricted. Innately, I've always been pretty good about dealing with the pressures of tempation; this quality serves as my anchor. It is this very quality that allows me to indulge. Though seemingly contradictory--almost to the point of making no sense to anyone but myself--, I remain steadfast in my decision to act nineteen. I'm going to drink. I'm going to stay out late. I'm going to climb things that shouldn't be climbed. I am NOT however going to engage in anything that is going to pose a serious risk to my personality, my body, my mind, or my values.
Basically, just trust me.
I need to find a way to post pictures.
Actually, more of a pressing matter, I need to actually TAKE more pictures.