Mmmm..... surveys

Jun 07, 2005 12:37


1. What time is it?: 12:39 pm

2. Name as appears on birth certificate is: John Stephen Buter

3. Nicknames: Buter, Butter, Butters, A-hole...

4.In A Relationship: damn right!

7. Chinese zodiac: silly little monkey!

8. Hair color: Dark Brown

9. Eye color: blue

10. Height (last time you checked): 6'2"-6'3"

13. Glasses or contacts?: Glasses since 3rd grade and contacts for a couple years

14. Braces?: had 'em, hated 'em, ain't got 'em no mo'

15. Piercings/tattoo: one tattoo on left arm... another when I get money

16. Birthplace: Gerber Memorial Hospital Fremont, Mi, September 18, 1980

17. Current residence: Mount Pleasant/ Big Rapids/ Fremont (my car?)

18. Siblings and ages: Three, Matt- 23, Tom- 22, Mike- 19

19. Gone skinny dipping?: Once, but the ladies were hard to get rid of after that

20. Been drunk?: once, I think...

21. Gotten high?: it's how I made it through MUS 114

22. Smoked a cigarette?: Yeah cigarettes are easy to get addicted to

23. Have u ever skipped school?: only when I had a very poor excuse

24. Bungee jumped?: not yet

25. Kissed someone?: mmm... yea!

26. Kissed someone of the same sex? nope... not interested either

27. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: a couple gf's

28. French kissed: probably somewhere along the way...

29. TP-ed someone's house?: yep, a couple times... there are worse things to do though

30. Won something (contest, race, etc.)?: uh, does disc golf on Saturday count? I was the only one keeping count anyhow

31. Asked someone out?: yep

32. Been rejected?: who hasn't?

33. Been in Love: Yes

34. Been to a funeral?: Yes, don't care for them

35. Used a lighter?: I like fire!

36. Been on stage?: Graduation?

*** FAVORITE... ***

37. Food: free or fast... seriously - steak w/ mushrooms and onions!

38. Ice cream flavor: vanilla or blue moon

39. Drink: orange juice, screwdrivers

40. School subject: math, biology

42. Breakfast cereal: whatever we ate for homecoming...

44. number: 22

45. Book: LOTR, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Count of Monte Cristo, Shannara series...

46. Movie: The Saint, Kung Pow, I Robot

47. Candy: shock tarts and skittles

48. Pop: Mt. Dew Livewire, Dr. Pepper

49. Color: black

50. Vacation spot: anywhere with water and nature and stuff

51. Sport to watch: Football and volleyball

52. Sport to play: just about any... volleyball at the top

53. Band/musician: meh...

54. Favorite fast food resturant: Taco Boy or Wendy's... don't make me choose!

55. Favorite Letter: WTF? What kind of question is that? I guess B??? (cue vomit)

56. Cartoon character: argh... dont make me choose! Inuyasha, Bubbles, Vergil, Stewie, Fry and Bender... the list can go on for SOOO long!

57. Favorite Holiday: New Years!

58. Name for a boy: ???

59. Name for a girl: ???

*** DO YOU PREFER... ***

60. Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla

61. Boys or girls(not sexually, just who's company you prefer) : depends on the mood

62. Summer or winter?: Summer time!

63. Long relationships or one night stands?: Long relationships!

64. Scary movies or comedies?: comedies (sorry B)

65. Silver or gold?: silver

66. Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons

**Things That Come To MInd***

67. Doctor: someone with a stressful job

68. Hedgehog: Sonic

69. School: boring classes

70. Grass: evil father nagging me to mow it

71. Cow: smelly... or hamburger

72. Canada: fer sure, eh?


75. Watched a movie?: yep, Fast and the Furious

76.Talked on the phone: with B, furniture moverss

77. Cried: No

78. Threw up?: nope

79. Drank a glass of water: several

80. Gone to the bathroom?: god willing, I have... 24 hours?

81. Read a book/magazine: 1984

82. Watched TV: way too much to be healthy... watching Magic School Bus right now!

83. Looked in the mirror?: just to put contacts in

84. Taken a shower?: two with another on the way

85. Taken a picture?: No

86. Listened to music? 107.3, rock station

87. Hugged/kissed someone?: nope, not since Saturday

88. Done your hw?: no homework

89. Told someone you loved them?: yep! And she better believe it

94. Freedom of speech: yeah

95. Love: yes

96. Magic: no


97. Last movie you saw in theatres?: Star Wars Episode 3... again

99. What color shirt are you wearing?: white SAC bar crawl shirt

101. What is the best thing since sliced bread?: electricity

102. What color is your backpack (for school)?: Black and red

104. Who is your crush?: well, it's this short girl in Mt. P that reads alot....

105. What time is it now?: 12:59

107. If someone died that u are close to what’s the first
thing u would do?: wanna be alone

1. What time did you get up this morning?: 10:00

2. Diamonds or pearls?: neither

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?: Star Wars Episode 3

4. What is your favorite TV show?: Family Guy, South Park, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist

5. What did you have for breakfast?: potato chips and coke

6. What is your middle name?: Stephen

7. What is your favorite cuisine?: anything italian

8. What foods do you dislike?: Spinach, anchovies, chocolate

9. What is your favorite chip flavor?: uh, potato-ey?

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?: some burned one

11. What kind of car do you drive?: '99 Ford Taurus - poppa patrol

12. Favorite sandwich?: BBQ pork from Peppers in Big Rapids... kind of obsessed about it

13. What characteristics do you despise?: Lying, laziness, lack of loyalty, close-mindedness

14. Favorite item of clothing?: Hoodie!

15 If you could go anywhere in the world for vacation where would you go?: Spain or Brazil

16. What color is your bathroom?: wood paneled

17. Favorite brand of clothing?: anything cheap from JC Penney's... too poor to be choosy

18. Where would you retire to?: Caribbean

19. Favorite time of day?: 1:00-4:00 perfect nap time

20. What is your most memorable birthday?: ummm... they kind of blur together after 21

21. Favorite sport to watch?: Football

22. What fabric detergent do you use?: Tide?

23. Coke or Pepsi?: Coke

24. Are you a morning person or night owl?: Night Owl definitely

25. What is your shoe size?: 13

26. Do you have any pets?: my brother has a beagle - Gus


First Best Friend: Don Wills
First Crush: Tiffeny Kotecki
First Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Lori Lucas
First Car: 92 Cavalier
First Date: dont remember... probably dinner and a movie... her choice probably
First Kiss : Lori Lucas
First Job : Lifeguard at Fremont High
First Screenname: johnbuter... hehe, that's kind of funny
First Album/CD: I think my mom bought me a cd player and the Hootie cd... (shudder)
First Piercing/Tattoo: Spring Break 2001- same semester I rushed
First True Love: uh, shouldnt there only be one?
First Enemy: Jenny Franks - 3rd grade... I called her Frankenstein
First Big Trip: Minnesota with Matt and grandparents
First Detention: NONE... Ah ha ha ha!
First Time Dyeing hair: sophomore year of high school before swimming conference meet and head shaving
First Formal Dance: My Prom
First Time Breaking A Bone: uh, littlest toe a couple times
First Time Getting Really Sick: Chicken pox in kindergarten... I missed the Christmas play... I think I was gonna be an owl or some shit


Last Cuss Word Uttered: shit
Last Compliment: brother Matt after working out... finally getting back in shape
Last Boyfriend or Girlfriend: CURRENT GF - Ms. Erica Lynn!
Last Crush: uh... Erica Lynn?
Last Time Driving: yesterday... hour round trip... Tom locked his keys in his car
Last Kiss: Saturday around 2:15 or so when I left Mt. P
Last Good Cry: been a while
Last Movie Seen: Fast and Furious
Last Beverage Drank: coke
Last Food Comsumed: Chips and dip
Last Phone Call: ELB
Last Thing Written: directions to Tom's car in Muskegon
Last Show Watched: Magic School Bus
Last Time Showered: last night around midnight
Last Shoes Worn: reebok's
Last Person That You Saw Naked Besides You: ELB
Last CD Played: Rage - The Battle for LA
Last Item Bought: Gasoline and Propel
Last Disappointment: not getting a call yesterday from Rite Aid... maybe today
Last Annoyance: not being in my own place
Last Ice Cream Eaten: Klondike bar
Last Song You Heard: ???
Last Time Wanting To Die: High School
Last Formal Dance: Phi Kappa Tau Spring Formal 2005
Last Piercing/Tattoo: just the one and only
Last Birthday Celebrated: September 18, 2004 - the old 24
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