Birthday Art for Gilpin (still 25?)

Oct 24, 2010 19:41

 So last year at this time, I asked gilpin25 to choose a canon Remus/Tonks moment and I would illustrate it for her as a birthday gift. I didn't say which birthday so here, a year later and in honor of this year's birthday, is Remus and Tonks bringing Harry's trunk to No. 12 Grimmauld. I should point out that I did not re-read the section so if there are ( Read more... )

tonks, birthday, remus, art

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Comments 10

gilpin25 October 25 2010, 17:24:06 UTC
That keeling over noise was me... I'd forgotten I ever said this (and now you know you could have delayed till next year;)).

But I LOVE IT, so am very glad you did it for this one! The colours are gorgeous, espcially the contrast between Tonks' pinks and purples and Remus' wonderfully muted browns and greys. And it's perfect the way their heads are slightly turned towards each other; they'd obviously be a lot closer if it wasn't for that trunk. As usual, Harry has a lot to answer for, lol.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's been instantly added to my Memories and Delicious account and much more. :D

Sadly, I haven't got a horse - though the day is still young, and the door is still open for passing Shetlands - but I have got a new computer and many other goodies. The former is like coming out of the Dark Ages as our old one was both antiquated and almost full memory-wise, so working with it has not been much fun this last monmth or so. But now I'm discovering what all these buttons do, and at speed!

Yep, 25. In cat years ( ... )


drumher October 26 2010, 20:52:52 UTC
You mean you haven't been thinking every day since last year...Hmmm, I wonder when Sandy's going to get off her duff and do my R/T birthday art?

Me neither. ;) It was only when I turned over the calendar to October when I realized it was now or next year!

As usual, Harry has a lot to answer for, lol.

Too true. :)

Sadly, I haven't got a horse - though the day is still young, and the door is still open for passing Shetlands

Can they fit through the cat flap? A nose perhaps, to let you know they're outside waiting for a little hay or a rub down?

Aren't new computers wonderful? I'm sure you'll put it through its paces. Some FanFic might be a good way to warm up to it. ;)


gilpin25 November 1 2010, 12:33:44 UTC
Some FanFic might be a good way to warm up to it. ;)

Duely noted. ;)

Can they fit through the cat flap?

As Mr G got his whole foot accidentally through it once, I'm thinking a Shetland pony is no problem. Or they could just ring the bell for attention?


mrstater October 29 2010, 17:49:01 UTC
I intended to comment on this the other day but got sidetracked by a certain werepup Tater Tot before I could look it over properly! What a great pic, Sandy! It's actually been so long since I read OotP that I'd forgotten they carry Harry's trunk together. I love what you've done with the textures of the gravel and the trees--it looks very "dark and stormy night" and just right for an underground freedom fighters' group meeting night and covert mission! And the lines and creases across it, like it's a well-worn photograph, tell a whole other story, a picture beyond the picture. (And of course I love Remus and Tonks and their body language that continues the flirtation from Privet Drive.)

The night before you posted this, I dreamed about Remus having pink hair. I think you should have a go at that sometime!


drumher October 31 2010, 22:25:36 UTC
Pink hair, hmmm? Well, I do have a certain project that's been in the works for some time and if I can get over my artistic hump regarding how to illustrate strategically placed soap bubbles, I may be able to work in a new do for Remus. ;)

Glad you liked the piece. :) I did want to convey that if there wasn't a bloody great trunk between them, they probably would've been invading each others space.


mrstater November 1 2010, 02:35:51 UTC
Are your ears burning? I was thinking about a certain project with soap bubbles just the other day. I'm very excited that you're thinking about it, too! Though at the same time I'm kind of shocked that a few years ago I wrote bathtub sex! Eep!

Also, could this be a more inappropriate icon??


drumher November 3 2010, 15:15:15 UTC
I'll work on making you a more appropriate icon with soap bubbles. ;)

I've got a free evening with no baseball to distract (bummed about that, though) and I'm going to pull out the sketch and make some progress. I feel guilty that it's been sitting around for so long. Maybe, like you, I had to work up to it. ;)


shimotsuki November 2 2010, 19:03:03 UTC
This is fantastic the way it looks like a well-loved old photograph -- I really like the edges and creases! Also the way the pink sunset sky echoes Tonks's hair and cloak and provide a contrast to Remus in his brown. Also Tonks's jeans, and the iron fence, and the brass edging on Harry's trunk. But the very best part is the way they're shooting each other little flirty looks across that trunk. :)

This has given me a big smile in the middle of a very hectic work week!


drumher November 3 2010, 15:18:40 UTC
Glad I could make you smile. I got a big one after reading your birthday fic for Karen but I'm better at putting my thoughts into pictures than words and so it takes me a while to leave a review.

It's great how those of you who write well can make me understand just what it was I was thinking when I was creating the art. :)


shimotsuki November 7 2010, 02:30:11 UTC
It's great how those of you who write well can make me understand just what it was I was thinking when I was creating the art. :)

Heh. Truth is, I always feel completely inadequate when I'm trying to leave comments for art. I haven't had any art education, either in art techniques or art history/appreciation, since grade school. So I have no idea what I'm talking about! I usually just mention things I think look cool, and I'm sure I'm missing a lot of the thinking that the artist has put into the piece...


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