All the cool kids are doing it

Jan 11, 2012 17:12


My pledge? I promise to make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment on this post. The catch? You must then post this on your own LJ/DW/FB/Twitter/Tumblr (wherever you like) and make something for the first 5 people who comment on it.

The rules? Items must be handmade* by you and the recipients must receive them ( Read more... )

pay it forward

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Comments 14

mrstater January 12 2012, 01:35:56 UTC
Man! I really wanted my bathroom re-tiled! ;) But I'm in. :D


drumher January 12 2012, 15:44:07 UTC
How about if your gift is art that takes place IN a bathroom? Would that work?


mrstater January 12 2012, 18:16:03 UTC
I think I remember something about that...


drumher January 12 2012, 18:31:39 UTC
This might just be the push I need to get it done!


bratty_jedi January 12 2012, 03:10:59 UTC
Is there a limit as to how many of these I can comment on and still only offer out 5 myself?


drumher January 12 2012, 15:45:21 UTC
I think I've seen mrstater's name on quite a few so there's probably no limit. :)


shimotsuki January 12 2012, 03:46:37 UTC
You should do your bathroom pink like mine! (or ...not! but we do have vintage 1940s tile, which is cool in a way)

And...sign me up? :D


drumher January 12 2012, 15:47:18 UTC
Oooh! Vintage tiles sounds cool, even if it is pink. ;) However, I'm a blue person so the shower enclosure's in sky blue glass subway tile, which is kind of vintage. A sample of what I hope will be the floor tile is coming today.

You're in!


shimotsuki January 16 2012, 03:04:50 UTC
Your shower project sounds fantastic.

Believe me, I wouldn't have chosen the pink. But since it's what we've got, and it is from the 1940s, I've decided to think that it's got charm of its own. ;) After all, Tonks would surely approve...

And, yay! :)


gilpin25 January 12 2012, 10:19:52 UTC
Never mind tiling it, the whole bathroom redone would be brilliant? ;)

If anyone wants to leap in ahead of me, then they must as I've already signed up for a couple of other f-listers, and even I'm starting to feel the heavy weight of guilt now. If not, I shall return.


drumher January 12 2012, 15:50:37 UTC
Never mind tiling it, the whole bathroom redone would be brilliant? ;)

May have to extend my planned UK vacation a bit to accommodate.

I'm starting to feel the heavy weight of guilt now.

Have I missed your pay it forward post? Would love to jump in if you do. I have so few LJ friends (but plenty of FB ones, so don't feel sad) that my entire Flist could request something. So, you're in.


gilpin25 January 12 2012, 16:37:25 UTC
No, you haven't missed it. I'm in the middle of it as we speak. Or as some of us type. ;)

And delighted to be in!


katyscarlett76 January 12 2012, 13:32:08 UTC
Now I've realised that I don't actually ahve to be properly crafty to return the favour (as I'm not remotely) I'm in!


drumher January 12 2012, 15:52:33 UTC
I'm not much into the craft thing either, though I did dabble in candle making for the holidays, so I know where you're coming from. At least you do the writing thing.


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