-You cannot change the past, and you cannot tell the future.
-Everyone is weird, if you are not weird then your normal and that's just weird.
-“Don't Panic” ~ HHGTTG
-"Remember where you come from" ~ Don
-"Forever Plaid, Forever Proud" & "Once Dutch, Always Dutch"
-Music heals all for Music = Life
-Mind over Body
-"Harm Thee None, Do What Thy Will"
-Why are you mad? What is the point of being mad about ____? That doesn't really matter when you look at the bigger picture of the world. Is you being mad about ____ really going to do anything to change _____?
-Don't complain about something unless you are willing to do something to fix it.
I just wish I could follow and live by all of these, I would be a much better person if I did. I wish the world could just see how the world should be and change. We would live in a much more peaceful world if they did. idk, I can't really type out what I mean but those that know me know what i'm talking about.