Ita, revolutiō lectusō mea inebō
quod dīcēbas "cerebrum meum ad mē caput eībat"
extra eīs, aestās vernet
iuxta focus stes
obtutus teō vultō removes
numquam pectorī meī ustilbis!
igitur, Sally exspectāre potest
est tardus cognoscet, cum iuxta ambulmus
animī suae discēdet
sed, "si īrātus, non vides"
te nārrāre audibam
Yes, I am a latin 101 taking tool who translates song lyrics poorly. I like it so w/e.
I haven't updated in a while, but I decided it beats studying. This beats updating my actual blog because it's rubbish and I actually try to make it more than ramblings. Based on my single entry of course.
So I'm in Geneseo, it's chill, people are chill, everything is chill. Except for a handful of people I think I am officially over somers so thats fun. wooo so here are things on my mind for your reading pleasure (or rather my selfish writing pleasure)
-Where does the heart fit into objectivism? Where do the two fit into evolution?
-Where is the line between confidence and being stubborn? Where does "not being convinced" turn into "not listening"
(as an side note, this bothers me the most. I do change my opinions on topics, but then certain people will
present a bad argument and get mad at me for not agreeing with them. Granted I become gradually more condescending
in arguments but I am working on my manners.)
-If two people have the same information can they reasonably draw opposite conclusions? Can someone be a Theist reasonably?
-Why can't I be confident about my stance on abortion (pro-choice)?
-Why do people I consider very smart have a relitivist perspective on everything?
-Why the hell do people make computer viruses that don't even advertise anything?
-How can someone not be an introvert?
I don't have a clue what the answers are, it bothers me. Feel free to enlighten me. For fun, only Anonymous is welcome.