I've been drawing a lot lately. This isn't the best thing to do because I should be reading and studying for finals instead. But I guess my procrastination is good for all you out there in internet-land. Enjoy
Drawn during History of Graphic Design. We talked about violence and how using it as a tool to sell art is totally a good idea. We also talked at length about R. Crumb. Good stuff. I'm sad that was the last lecture. Oh well. Anyway I drew monsters and odds and ends. The top thing there is kind of a molten-lava water-critter. It vents steam and lava glows from the cracks in the skin. I think it looks pretty sweet myself. I like this sketch a lot guys. I might try to clean it up and finish it. It could be an experiment with color fx for me.
We also have one of the slide projectors in class and a little story about it (there are two set up so Eric can show slides side-to-side, but they're set up in the front of the room in such a way that if I move enough to see one screen the projector blocks the other one. Great times). Also we have a couple Erin heads and the start of some Satyrs.
PETE BLANFORD IS AN EMO SADSACK. Erin, our ever-the-annoying-optomist toys with death. Johnny feigns indifference. These things just show up in my sketchbook, folks. I have little control over them.