So today I didn't have to work till 1:00 and since I went to bed early last night i woke up early this morning and drew a bunch of crap that has been cluttering up my brain lately. It needed to get out.
So Major Tom doesn't like my scanner. Like, at all. Like it takes about four tries to actually get an image saved onto the computer because it likes to crash like crazy. So some of these images have chopped off bits/not finished bits because by the time I realized such a thing had happened I fought too much with the scanner to want to go and fix it. So ya'll can just deal.
First up we have a random doodle of Michelle and a sketch of Jim's human and not-so-finished fullforms. I was planning on doing doodles for a character sheet/character page of my website, but I screwed up Michelle's wings and Jim just refused to be drawn right so I gave up. I do like how Michelle's legs came out. Yay anatomy and me actually getting it.
fishbulb33 and I were talking a lot about bugbears the other day because we're awesome like that and I totally know how jealous you are of our conversations. Basically it boils down to "ALEC IS AWESOME. I LOVE HOW TOTALLY FREAKY AND STOIC HE IS ABOUT IT". I would imagine that people not really used to bugbears would just have a lingering "woah hair on my neck is all prickly for no reason" whenever he came into the room. And if you're covered with fur I'm sure your discomfort is a little more visible. Also fluffed up cats are automatically funny in my book.
More fun with bugbears named Alec. Since bugbears attract insects and other creepy crawlies naturally they also attract arthropod-based mythical creatures and avian mythical creatures who treat bugbears as walking buffets because woah, free food everywhere, man. So people like George and David are always close at hand. George is all "I HAVE TO STAND HERE. RIGHT HERE. THIS PLACE IS GREAT. RIGHT HERE." and David is all "DROP SOME MORE OF THOSE BEETLE THINGS. I LOVE THOSE." and then George looks over at David and is all "You're a monster." I love doodling.
pirate_yoyo's story Black Nailpolish she's all "ALL MY FRIENDS HELP ME DESIGN A CRAPLOAD OF CHARACTERS." and I'm all "OKAY." This is one of the Fairy Queen's 15 or so bastard children. She's the Moth Princess. Or something. However the bastards are named. Notice I didnt finish coloring in the blacks. That's because I forgot. Use your imagination. She's got bug arms. And only three fingers on each hand. I love that. Also she's got the cutest pixie haircut ever. Her tank top is one of those 60s white with bright colors checked in the top kind of tops. She's a moth, not a butterfly. Because butterflies are totally lame and moths are obviously way cooler.
And then a pirate for Black Nailpolish's large cast of pirates. He's a bunyip. basically he's my excuse to draw an aboriginal character with a white afro, seal-ish qualities, a suit jacket, and what I'm calling Aladdin Pants. They're not called that. But do I care? No. He's a freakin' bunyip, people. Don't see those very often, do you?
Harry Houdini died because of a freak punch to the stomach.
Inspired by a conversation Ben and I had while watching the Rock and Roll circus and wondering where Jethro Tull and Roger Daltrey ran off to after they played their songs. The answer? Clearly Ian Anderson was out back socking Roger in the gut with wooden boards. Clearly. I love drawing rock stars with no references.