Let's ring in the new year with some Sketchjournal, shal we?
Here's the inks for Thursday's page. I have it FINISHED ALREADY OMG but you'll have to wait till thursday to see the finished action 'cause this is how I roll. Jim looks FABULOUS in color I'm just saying. I just realized the other day that if anyone asked me what all my favorite colors were all I'd have to do is just get a drawing of Jim out 'cause his color palette is everything I love.
100% digital now! Man things look smoothlike! I used to think I blew hard chunks at drawing wings but after tracing a few (some are traced I CHEAT) I got way more of a feel for them (some I drew myself GUESS! :D). I got so much of a feel for them that now I realize that the drawings on my cast page of Michelle and Jim have backwards feathers. D: They overlap the wrong way OH NO MY SECRET IS OUT. Look at that first panel Jim. Man. Look at that second panel Jim. Awww.
I had it in my head that maybe for my
Cast Page I'd have a drawing of all the characters in all their forms, since I was kinda on an art roll and thought I'd take advantage of it since drawing these sketches aren't very hard. But then I got super bored and Jim didn't scan too well and I got too lazy to rescan him so I didn't color this one. Then I got distracted by Next Arc characters instead.
LIKE DEAR ANTHONY HERE. Awwwww, Anthony, you look so confused and nervous. I drew him from memory and when I went to color him I noticed that Sfé did way more for him IE pants and a belt and other fancy details that I can't be bothered to remember. I drew this at the New Years party yesterday and my friend Nathan (who actually reads the comic omg I know whut) was all "Why is he wearing a Calvin Klein shirt?" and I was all "...god dammit it does look like a Calvin Klein shirt." The clever Jack White reference has been usurped. Drawing human Anthony since he's introduced as a human.
And where would Anthony be without his dear best friend Blanche. Also drawn without reference and I forgot lots of things like all his necklaces, bracelets and rings. Nathan thought he was a chick, so I guess I got the androgyny right. I probably should have drawn his legs longer since white stags are all about long legs and running fast etc etc etc but 1) I forgot and 2) I ran out of paper. Also 3) screw it.
Obligatory Alec. He's really not in the LA arc an awful lot (more than he should be probably, but I have a prooobblleeemmmmmmmmmm). I actually haven't drawn him in a bear-y midform for a long time, so I'm pretty out of practice. I can't decide if I want to go with a full half bear/half human midform like originally intended or with the humanycreepybearthing that I've been drawing him as lately. The only problem with that is then he looks like his dad, and I'm not too sure how keen Alec would be about apin' Ol' Orv's fashion sense. OH BUGBEARS.
Some sketches for the art trade I'm doing with
Artsquish/Brianna for some of her kickass hoof boots. Nosferatu vampire tentacle head freaky chick. With a crocodile mouth! Fun to draw? Kind of a lot.
Wolf! OH MAN WOLF I KINDA DIG YOU. Drawn after I stayed up till 5am talking with friends and listening to music and drawing three pages of Skin Deep. For being drawn at like 2:30 in the morning IT DON'T LOOK HALF BAD.
More members of Revolution 1 ANNIE BE EASIER TO DRAW KTHNX. There might be a super secret (or super not secret, I'm not sure) plan involving me and involving Revolution 1 in the future STAY TUNED.
I HAVE MORE DRAWINGS but they involve my fellow Jerk Friends and Christmas/Early Birthday by the looks of how long they're taking presents so I can't show noboddyyyyyyyyy. GOOD NIGHT.