
Oct 07, 2003 20:15

ahhaha mmmmm....

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Comments 17

woe to me u r sexy like jt anonymous October 7 2003, 20:52:39 UTC
you are soo sexy like justin timberlake. i want to do you like my love jt.


woe to me u r sexy like jt anonymous October 7 2003, 20:52:48 UTC
you are soo sexy like justin timberlake. i want to do you like my love jt.


Re: woe to me u r sexy like jt anonymous October 7 2003, 20:58:51 UTC
lets get married laura and we can have lots of babies.


be my momy anonymous October 7 2003, 21:00:12 UTC
Laura, my love,lets get married and we can have lots of babies.


be my momy anonymous October 7 2003, 21:00:25 UTC
Laura, my love,lets get married and we can have lots of babies.


salamander1 October 7 2003, 22:12:35 UTC
hmm chas a lil obsessed? haha u are an interesting one my friend! -xoxo- LAURA!!!! LMFAO! U KNOW WHAT IM THINKING!


anonymous October 8 2003, 18:36:33 UTC
Hey Laura, This is Nicole Barefoot, i would just like to tell you that i'm a very sick gay little bitch and I truthfully find you extremely attractive and would love to bone you if i had the chance [and if i wasn't missing something extremely important...a penis]. Chas is one lucky fuck. I like to molest old women.


anonymous October 9 2003, 22:22:33 UTC
ewww nicole barefoot. ewwwwww. she is so ugly.


drunkonlove October 10 2003, 06:18:26 UTC
eww ur so ugly...ewww...nicole is hotter than u. she is the love of my life. i love nicole barefoot, the most beautiful girl in the entire universe...cept for me!!! and ur mom.


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