Okay… four more lovely dreams. Or really two, but one that came in three parts…. like a trilogy.
The first one involved this notable women…. she was pretty well known locally. Anyway…. she had just been fired and lost all of her credibility because a video had come out showing her husband…. who had been very mysterious up to this point. When I first saw the controversial video… I had no idea what was going on… it showed her two dogs playing with each other, chasing each other around the yard.
Well… her husband was a furry. She met him online. He was her dog slave. At home when living with her…. he’d put on his dog fursuit and chase her dog around. That’s what the video had been showing…. he was one of the dogs. There was massive public outcry against it, both her having a slave husband she met online as well as that he acted like he was a dog.
It was my job to go to this woman and explain why she had been fired.
That was the end of the dream… I never got to go give the explanation or whatever.
So the next dream….. it was crazy.
I had a heart attack. The doctors were crazy worried because I’m pretty young to be having a heart attack, not that it’s that unheard of, especially with my family history.
I’m not sure what happened, at this point I was in a hospital room and didn’t remember where I was or what I was doing when I had it. The doctors were going to keep me here for a while and observe me. They’d found some more worrying things in all the tests they did on me.
I was going crazy in my room. I was worried about everything and my family was driving me nuts. They were fussing over me, wouldn’t leave my side. I couldn’t have a thought without them being right there all anxious and bothersome. Moreover… I wanted to talk to Dan!.... to tell him what had happened so he knew when he got home and I never came back for a bit. I also just wanted to talk to him because I knew he’d make me feel better, happy…. something my family was doing the opposite of. But I didn’t want to talk to him with them all there surrounding me and invading my space, because they made everything unhappy for me.
I kept asking them to leave, to give me a little privacy, to just let me relax…. but they wouldn’t. I finally just broke down crying and started screaming at them to give me some peace and quiet away from them. They finally moved to the other side of the room, but wouldn’t leave.
So… I had a laptop and went on it and was looking for Dan!. Apparently he had a nice GPS tracking thing on him so I could figure out where he was. I was watching him move along on campus, going from one building where had class to the next one where he had class…. he moved really fast.
At this point the doctors came back in. There was more bad news…. they were still concerned about a second heart attack killing me, but I was dying anyway… I had this AIDSCancer. It was cancer…. but it was some kind that only gays got. So now there was even more to freak out about.
I got taken away unfortunately with my family trailing behind to another room for some tests.
I got back to my room, all annoyed and kinda depressed… I was dying after all. But Dan! was there… standing in the door. He’d found out somehow. It brightnened my mood and made everything better. He couldn’t stay and had to get back, but just seeing him and listening to him talk helped undo some of the stress of my family.
Eventually I got moved back into a home with my family, so they could take care of me. I was sickly, but not bedridden.
So this is where the second dream picks up, kind of a sequel with a little relation. It set up me living back with my parents.
So my parents are going outside. They step out the front door and stop. There are two or three young black guys, ages 16-19 standing there. And to quote a sentiment from West Wing…. when you see a black guy here in Milwaukee, you don’t know if he’s dangerous…. when you see one on Cape Cod, you know he is and you shoot him.
For background story… at Marquette like yesterday, 2 young thin black guys accosted two students and stole their car. There were e-mails from Public Safety. They were caught last night I believe.
So… seeing them… I screamed at my mother to get back in the house… knowing they must be the car thieves. My father listens and comes back inside… but my mother is still talking to them as they move in threateningly. I scream again and my father pulls my mother in and we lock the door. I tell my mother to call Public Safety…. yeah… we’re in MA… but we’re calling Marquette Public Safety. She gets on the phone and calls… and I’m relieved. She ends up calling Church people to talk about it instead. Both me and my father yell at her and say she needs to call Public Safety or the police.
He takes the phone away and calls… but dials the wrong number and gets my Aunt Debbie. He apologizes, says he dialed the wrong number and can’t talk. She seems all hurt, but he hangs up and calls Public Safety.
Eventually an arrest is made, and my mother is named as being a great help in detaining the criminals.
Following this… some other weird stuff happens. So… these guys had broken into my apartment in WI. They had stolen a bunch of stuff and it was all returned to me. I was too tired and weak feeling to go through it, but asked my family to leave it be… there might be things they wouldn’t want to see. They don’t listen I guess… and my father found something really disturbing. It was some sort of sex suit. Not really sure what was going on… but that’s what he was calling it. He wanted to have a private talk with me about it. I told him the suit didn’t belong to me… that I was keeping it for a friend… which I was…. but I told him it was John (which may have been just a generic John person or a Jexckylsziorsckiiii) instead of the friend I was keeping it for. I think I was keeping it for Brett. But that’s a bit hazy. But my father kinda excepted it was for John… and since John is normal… it must be okay.
So my brother didn’t buy it and wanted to know what the suit was really about. He kept questioning me and I refused to give him an answer. He got really angry and stormed off.
Later I was lying in bed, thinking of a way to get the suit out. My brother dashed in and jumped on the bed… trying to kill me. I had been leaning to the side and rolled off as I saw him come in. He landed on the bad, smashing into it, screaming about missing me. So ended this final part of the dream… with my brother trying to kill me.
So… now a fun survey stolen from Laurel.
Let see how much you remember
- Who was your best friend?
Nick Caruso
- Who did you go out with?
Ha ha….. yeah… no… not ready to admit being gay and not interested in girls.
- Did you have a crush on anyone?
Quite a few boys… Caleb Morgan goes to the top of the list freshman year…. he was just so goddamned cute, smart, driven, and the nicest person ever.
- What sports did you play?
Does gym count…. or Math Team…. it’s like a sport… just with numbers and penicls.
- Did you buy your lunch?
Both brought and bought.
-Did you skip?
Not really doable in my school.
- Did you get suspended/expelled?
Not a chance… though I was threatened with it because I wore tie pins on my tie.
- What was your favorite class?
Freshman year… Biology had Melcher and Caleb… both made of hotness… and I enjoyed it.
- What was your school's name?
Bishop Stang High School
-Did you go to the dances?
No never.
-If you could go back would you?
Ha ha ha… if I could make out with Caleb…. maybe… at times because I would’ve liked to experienced high school as myself, not trying to pretend to be an uptight straight person… maybe…. but in the end… fuck no.
-Where did you sit at lunch?
Facing the windows and tables from the door into the caf, third table from the right, second from the front. Fuck yeah… my memory. The tables were like 6 tables across and 4 tables deep.
- Who was your science teacher?
Oh God… Ms. Melcher. First woman both me and my father wanted to bang. Just… oh God…. just out of college, small, petite, glasses, hair in a bun…. OH GAWD! And then when she let her hair down…. yeah… every boy in the class wanted to hit that shit.
- Who was your English teacher?
One of the best…. though I hated freshman yeah, I came to love her junior year and she wrote a letter of recommendation for me for college. Mrs. Charves… old… older than the school we sometimes though… a hard demanding bitch…. but one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. Nothing but love and respect for her now. She was awesome.
- Who was your history teacher?
Mr Medeiros. Taught me again for AP European history. Big guy, good sense of humor, fun teacher… though we’d have our disagreements like when I got a D on a group project because each of us in the group had to present individually and he had assigned the two dumbest and most irresponsible people to my group.
- Who was your math teacher?
Mrs. Johnson. Very nice, but incredibly boring and not a very good teacher… luckily Hamel would save math at the school for my junior and senior years.
- Did you think you were cool?
Not even a chance. I wasn’t… and I knew I wasn’t. But I was mysterious and well respected by a lot of people for my brilliance, my morals, and mostly my wisdom… aged beyond my years.
- Describe your outfits in ninth grade?
Oh wait…. school uniform. Tan khakis, white or blue dress shirt, black dress shoes, black tie, and sometimes in fall and spring, a maroon BSHS polo shirt.
- Did you even have a cellphone?
Not ever interested in one.
-Who was your favorite teacher?
Freshman year would have to be Melcher…. though all my good ones came later.
-What's your most memorable moment?
Freshman year… I don’t think I really had any. Nothing much stood out… those would come junior and senior years. Oh wait… fuck that…. my most memorable moment is when I got called into the guidance counselor’s office and my guidance counselor told me I was a loser and that she had called my mother to tell her I had no friends and I really needed to do something to fix it. I cried after that. My mother would later tell me she cried when she got the call. Fuck Ruginis… just fuck her so bad for that shit.
-What's your least favorite memories?
I think the previous also goes under the least favorite. Plus… the having no friends in the entire school was a less than pleasant memory.
-What was your best accomplishments?
I sucked freshman year. I didn’t do any work, I didn’t care about my classes, I failed in every direction.
-What action do you regret the most?
Not really anything. I was a loser… but I’ve always been one. It takes time for people to like me… and it happened by my junior year. Maybe my grades… but they wouldn’t have helped… no matter what school I had gotten into… I probably still would’ve flunked out anyway… so whatever.
-What did you spend the most time doing on weekends?
Nothing. I really was a loser. Maybe reading, playing video games.
-Did you make any lifelong friendships?
Not a one. Haven’t spoken to a single person from HS in 5 years. Though I really do wish I had kept in contact with Caleb…. he’s the only one I still ever think about… everyone else was friends with a person I hate…. he was the only one that ever got close to the real me and still wanted to be friends.
-Got invited to any proms?
Nope… not a chance. And I never went.