So yeah…. it’s been like a forever since I’ve updated my journal. Why….. who knows. I’ve been busy, I get home and it’s late and I’m tired and I have lots of homework…. so it kinda just doesn’t get done… plus this past week and a half I just haven’t been that much in the mood to write…. ah well. I am tonight… so it’s all good.
Let’s start with work. I love my job… and am kinda confused by my job. Some days I’m crazy busy and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Other days it’s slow and I’m like doing my homework. That always makes me feel so guilty and so…. not working. S&S has drilled it in my head to be productive at all times… so any time I’m not being maximum efficient…. I just feel all wrong and shit. It’s kinda sad. I mean… one day me and German watched the US Open final all day on the computer….. it just felt so……. so….. wrong. But God it was nice…. what a match too….. but yeah.
Anyway…. now it’s looking like things are picking up… and at the same time I’m getting used to slacking off on work and using the time I have to do schoolwork. Any work I don’t finish the night before… I make sure I get done… even if I have to push some of my work work until later…. mostly because my work work is rarely on a deadline…. more a get it done this week kinda thing. It’s nice.
So now…. my responsibilities are a lot. I’m in charge of the department’s website…. which I’ve updated like 3 times this week… and which I have massive work to do later…. I have to put up a whole page with pictures and bio’s of all the graduate students. Let me tell you…. writing biographies about people you don’t know at all off of a questionnaire that was filled out with no knowledge of what it was going to be used for….. it’s not fun. I am really hating that.
I am also now the computer guy. People, both teachers and students come to me with any problems they have. So much fun at times.
I’m also the project designer…. I design all the fliers, I’m designing the bookmark we’re going to give out, etc.
Next week I’m going to be introduced to the database of all our students and be in charge of updating that and stuff.
I’m also the head librarian for our little library that we share with the Philosophy department. I’m in charge of creating a database of all the books we own, reorganizing all of the books on the shelf and properly labeling the shelves… and anytime a student wants to check out a book… they have to come to me to check it out. Very exciting.
I’m also in charge of the grades for all of the classes of the director of the Theological Studies Graduate Department. I’ve designed some simple Excel sheets to keep track of his grades…. so now he’s just letting me input them… which feels a little weird because most of his classes are graduate students… so these are my peers and my fellow GA’s…. no undergrads…. but it’s cool.
I’m also the function manager…. in charge of setting up all the tables and decorating them for any function we have… though most are catered… so I only have to set up the tables and do the flower arrangements…. which kill my allergies. However…. for each Colloquia Theologica we have one Thursday every month… I’m in charge of arranging all the food on platters and setting up the room. All fun. The real awesome benefit is that all the leftover food… yeah I can take whatever I want…. fuck yes. I do. Thursday…. I got to take home two opened bottles of wine…… delicious. It’ll give me some nice variety to compliment my simple food buying tendencies.
Also….. things I really miss. Fucking bowling. I so fucking miss bowling. I just want to go so bad. There’s a bowling lane right down the street… I hate being all sad and lone bowler…. but who gives a fuck… if I can’t convince any of my roomies or anyone to go with me… I might just have to go fucking bowl all by myself….. I just miss it so much.
Adult Swim having things to watch. I mean…… Bleach….. ha ha ha no. Just…. who cares. Geass….. I mean…. lots of cute boys… and I want to see the rest of it and everything…… but by itself it’s just not a great motivator. Moribito…. I mean… cute delicious prince that has the same voice as Kite from .hack…. but still…. just nothing that interesting anymore. I mean…. FMA’s on here at like 11:30 PM….. and God…. it was the best thing on last weekend… though Metalocalypse’s finale was entertaining. I miss good anime….. on TV….. guess I just have to console myself by watching it downloaded.
Also….. d20. God….. never had such before moving to Wisconsin…. but now I crave it. It’d probably be wicked hard to find other people like minded here….. I haven’t exactly tried looking that much…… but still….. man do I miss it. I could like just make a character right now for the fucking fun of it I enjoy it so much….. but yeah….. I’d rather just write and whine than do something semi-productive.
Weather. I miss weather. Sun and haze all day every day…… not fun. I want some rain… some t-storms…. some anything that isn’t sun and haze. Really….. just something…. please….. anything? Yeah….. guess what…. tomorrow’s forecast…. sunny and hazy.
Vodka Milkshakes…… don’t have a blender… and haven’t really bought any alcohol….. just beer and wine. I feel like it’s been forever since some vodka milkshakes…. I’m gonna have to fix that at some point…. because I seriously need one. They’re so….. good. And alcoholic.
My desk chair. I hate the hard shitty school desk chairs. Just….. shitty. My back feels like someone exploded it every time I sat up. Just…. horrible for posture and comfort…. all bad. And my one at home…. God I love that chair… it’s just so nice and so comfortable…. and all meshy.
What I really miss right now…. Kingdom Hearts. You know… the latest CD I made… I put on the theme song that was the beginning of the game when Sora’s all falling into the water… all jpop at stuff…. and really bad according to John and Dan!..... but so fucking awesome to me. So yeah…. it’s on my CD and every time it comes up….. such a horribly strong urge to play that game. Add to that that I made a new desktop….. all kinda nonsexual and instead romantic yaoi….. with the biggest picture being Sora and Riku….. so both of those things keep throwing KH back in my face and I’m all….. want to play. Which could be done…. except in taking out all the games I brought with me…. I’m missing KH1. I have KH2…. but I can’t find the original…. which pisses me off…. because I must have left it at home. It sucks…otherwise I’d totally be playing that.
My PS2. So yeah… I got the adapter to the PS3…. how it works is it can take the data from a memory card…. but not save back to the memory card…. it can only save on the hard drive. Kinds shitty…. but at least I was able to transfer my save from .hack 1 onto the hard drive and convert the data to .hack 2 which I’m playing now. Of course today I forgot to save at one point, positive that I had saved…. and died and lost like 2 hours worth of playing and was all pissed. It was a shame. But the game’s still fun… despite its incredibly grinding nature….. but for some reason I love dungeon crawling and grinding. Ah well… I still miss my PS2 though….. it just felt better… plus I got to use my own controllers and not these wireless suspicious ones that go with the PS3.
Also…. you know what….. my local bars in MA. It’s kinda sad….. but going out and drinking there with my brother or my parents was so nice. So many people there kick ass and just made it fun to drink. And it was always so entertaining. Now I like get drunk and talk to John… or get alone and watch TV….. so much less exciting….. though it can be fun in its own right. Still… I miss being able to meet up with people to drink and just have fun. I’ve gotta find some people here that I could do that with… sadly the people I know either don’t live here or go to parties here which are all crowded and just not my scene… I would hate them. Though… last Friday I did get invited by one of my fellow GA’s to go to this really really cheesy gay club in WeHo. It was for his boyfriend’s birthday party. And I didn’t go…. which I massively regret now. But he asked me that day, about an hour before he was leaving. I still had work to do, would’ve had to go home and shower and you know dress for the occasion…. and WeHo’s not that far, but it’s not walking distance and I didn’t have a car nor did I want to impose on German…. so yeah… I declined. Still….. I’m sad that I did. I need to hit up more of that shit…. so if I get asked again…. definitely saying yes… though again I’d like more than 1 hour notice.
Lastly…. in closing….. Versus hockey….. on TV at 7 PM ET every Tuesday and Wednesday…. that’s 4 fucking PM in the fucking afternoon…. on days I have class and don’t get out until 10 PM ET when the games are over. Fuck all to hell… I’m gonna get to see like ZERO versus hockey games. That means like no Benninati….. and he’s the most fun of watching non Red Wings games. Though… I will get to watch the Kings and the Ducks play on the local channels…. which will be awesome every time Detroit plays them…. but since I hate both teams… not fun otherwise… though it’ll still be hockey.