Due Date and Time: Monday March 15, 10 PM EST/3 AM GMT - Even if none of the mods have a chance to post that the contest is closed then, assume it is.
Description: Write a limerick!
More Details: Just in case you're not familiar with a limerick or need some reminding, I'll go over that:
A limerick is a poetic form that's meant to be silly. For example:
There once was a man from Peru
who dreamt he was eating his shoe.
He woke with a fright
in the middle of the night
and saw that his dream had come true.
This is an a/a/b/b/a rhyme scheme. Notice how the bold words rhyme with the bold words and the italicized words rhyme with the italicized words. If that still doesn't make sense,
this site might explain it better, plus it has an explanation of rhythm. Feel free to ask if you're confused.
And here's a DW limerick, just in case it helps get you going:
Donna looked at the Doctor and said,
"You'd look better if your hair were red."
"Yes, I know that," he sighed,
"And how often I've cried,
"but it's never affected my head."
Remember, don't have to worry about it being absolutely perfect. This is participation only, and it's all for fun anyway.
Submission: Post your entry in the thread for your team. This is a participation only challenge and comments aren't screened. Since there will be no voting, you can talk about this amongst yourselves.
10 points per limerick entered.
You can enter up to three limericks.