Title: How to escape from prison in 210 days ( part 2/5)
Pairing: Bobby/St John
Rating: R for thoughts of violence
Summary, A few years after X3, Pyro has been imprisoned by the X-Men. Bobby stopped bringing him his lunch 4 days ago. He is not a happy prisoner.
Notes: Inspired by, though by no means fulfilling all requirements of, the
post-X3 challenge nightshade24 posted waaaay back.
How to escape from prison in 210 Days
Why did you give no hint that night
That quickly after the morrow´s dawn
And calmly, as if indifferent quite
You would close your term here, up and be gone
Where I could not follow
With wing of swallow
To gain one glimpse of you ever anon!
Never to bid good-bye,
Or lip me the softest call
Or utter a wish for a word, while I
Saw morning harden upon the wall
Unmoved, unknowing
That your great going
Had place that moment, and altered all.
(From "The Going" by Thomas Hardy)
Day 194
Once he finds a way to get past the steel bars, he figures the rest of the security system won´t be too much of a problem. After all, he´s watched Mystique bypass truly ingenious ones.
He's not watching the door. He's not wondering about pale-faced pigtail-girl's name, either. He speculates that if he ever wants to escape, he needs to get her to reveal her supposedly Pyro-immune mutation.
Magneto taught him that any mutant's prime enemies will always be the humans. He has 39 scars to prove this is true, and 14 scars left by mutants who believed the prime enemies to be Erik and him.
Everything is, everything has always been black and white with Iceman.
Back when he was at school, he had bics and matches stacked away everywhere. Some will have been removed, of course. There´s no way the juniors or the Professor or Storm or Scott have found all of them.
He's not wondering where Robert Drake corrects the short daily tests he torments his class with now, the ones Bobby one day started to bring along with Pyro's lunch to do in front of him.
Pyro never had any scruples fighting the X-Men. He may leave a few corpses behind if he can´t manage to leave through the secret passages without being seen.
Today´s lunch reveals Brussels sprouts among the vegetables.
He's not remembering two cups of orange juice and a second fork clanging against cutlery.
He doesn't give a shit about Bobby abandoning him. He really, truly doesn't.
* * *
Kind of short, I know. The next part is longer.
Head count of this story´s X-Men: I imagine Logan and Rogue left the team at a time where everything was quiet. Xavier is dead. Scott´s dead. Jean´s dead. Storm´s dead. This is important.
I hope it´s clear that as of now, Pyro can´t really escape.
(III) Day 195