Title: How to escape from prison in 210 days ( part 4/5)
Pairing: Bobby/St John
Rating: PG13
Summary: A few years after X3, Pyro has been imprisoned by the X-Men. He´s a very... unusual prisoner.
Note I: Inspired by, though by no means fulfilling all requirements of, the
post-X3 challenge nightshade24 posted waaaay back.
Note II: Shortness ahead. *ducks*
How to escape from prison in 210 days
Do not fear to put thy feet
Naked in the river sweet;
Think not leech, or newt or toad
Will bite thy foot, when thou hast troad;
Nor let the water rising high,
As thou wad´st in, make thee cry
And sob, but ever live with me
And not a wave shall trouble thee.
("Do Not Fear to Put Thy Feet" by John Fletcher)
(days 196-209)
It goes like this for two weeks. St John never knows when Bobby will show up, but he always does, and St John has never seen Bobby so tired.
They never talk. Sometimes they touch, sometimes they don't. Some days Bobby barely gets into the room, standing in the doorway and just looking at St John for two minutes before heading back to whatever chaos there is upstairs, and St John has stopped wondering how he became a lifeline.
Some days Bobby dozes off for an hour or two while they sit on the floor, limbs threaded through the bars similar to how they did the first time.
St John never asks why Bobby doesn't simply let him out, because he's not sure what Pyro would do yet, and Bobby's too strung out to think along such lines.
Above ground, there are things going on, things he knows Erik never would have let happen.
He tenses every time he thinks he hears the alarms.
* * *
Sorry it's so short, but I fear anything longer would´ve ruined the moment. The big finish is longer.
*holds on to sweets for dear life*
(V) Day 210