no regrets this time

Feb 22, 2005 19:12

im pretty fucking tired of being called emo and mexican.

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Comments 7

nikkisb February 23 2005, 01:15:14 UTC
oh passion... we dont mean to bother you when we call you emo, just like you dont mean to bother kenny when you call him wipped. we love you!!!


anonymous February 23 2005, 02:23:15 UTC
sorry mister


.. chocochewycandy February 23 2005, 03:03:02 UTC
Hah. I just thought of a word that mixes both of those together, "MexEmo" haha.. thats cool. But no.. u are neither. Dont bother with that, just like u dont care when i point and laugh at u in ur uniform, do the same with that.Bc ur cool. Cooler that CD Duplicators. And me. now thats a compliment. lol, later.


muhahaha renegade_rebel February 27 2005, 02:10:11 UTC
my cousin gave me a buttergly last night!! its a really old of the first ones made...not sharp but it works


mexican// thesumisnt41 February 27 2005, 22:49:18 UTC
mexicano??? WTF. Anfony is not mexican. But he is emo. Not poser emo, sad emo.


Re: mexican// dry_n_lodice February 28 2005, 02:09:52 UTC
no, anthony = not emo.


Re: mexican// thesumisnt41 February 28 2005, 21:56:20 UTC
oooooookay whatever you say anfony.


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