Since I'm writing a paper due in just a couple of days, naturally I'm taking a break to do a really rather random Zlatan post.
1. Aftonbladet did a story yesterday on how Zlatan uses the Swedish push-up underwear
Frigo during matches. According to its creator, well, it was invented for men who needed extra room and sturdier support to keep everything in place while working out. For some reason, Zlatan apparently freaked out when he read the article (because he does keep himself up-to-date, down in Italy) and called Aftonbladet up on his cell phone, demanding they'd take the article down. Aftonbladet, terrified they were losing Zlatan again so soon, promptly wrote another story denying he used Frigo, which caused the miffed marketing exec to post pictures were he can clearly be seen in them, and blamed Zlatan's action on his sponsor Nike. Oh, well!
Pictures of Zlatan in push-up:
This is how it, heh, looks.)
2. Since no pictures have surfaced from any Christmas beach vacation this year, here are some from last year of Zlatan lounging by a pool:
3. And lastly, here are some old pics from Zlatan and Helena's Paris weekend trip this autumn (note Helena'
Just adding some recent pics for anyone who isn't regularly checking the absolutely lovely site
Zlatan Ibrahimovc Fanclub.
4. Vincent's first public appearance, in the company of Helena Seger and Maximilian and in the arms of Zlatan's press agent Dick Landgren:
And here is Maximilian pulling the ears of Dick, thus continuing the tradition of harrassing him once
introduced by his father:
5. Also, a clear shot of the new tattoo. I really don't feel this one.
So am ending with a random good hair no tattoos pic: