and from the gates of hell he came forth...

Jun 15, 2002 03:14

Hey everyone (wink to the one girl in my heart- *wink*) I have once again been brought back to Wisconsin from the fiery depths of hell which is the family vacation. Yes- I have once again been found victorious in my battle to overcome the hellish torment of being stuck in a vehicle with both my parents for 3 weeks straight. I have triumphed the ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

i finally read your live journal! anonymous July 26 2002, 22:49:18 UTC
hey babe,i finally read your live journal!you still haven't gotten my that code yet!!!when am i gonna get it hun?well i'm gonna get going,i'll talk to you soon,okay?love ya!~Jillian


still nothing... anonymous July 27 2002, 08:29:44 UTC
i took the time to look at your state of emergency website,and it's not even up yet!boo hiss!let's get some pictures up there!just playing but i am looking forward to seeing pictures of to you from your gir,jilly bean


i'm curious... anonymous July 27 2002, 14:37:18 UTC
what is your idea for the future?yes,i am willing to work on it,i will just need time to adjust and everything,you know?have to go,sorry this is so short!post somehting soon,okay babe?love you lots!


hey y! anonymous August 18 2002, 13:40:36 UTC
hey,it's me,it's august,and i had a break off of work,so i decided to check and see if you had updated your lj at all.write an entry in it soon !i have some time off on friday,so maybe we can get together?for some time for the things we've both been missing!i'll try calling today(sunday),and then i'll call you again on ya!~your


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