31 Days O' Music!

Jul 02, 2010 19:24

haumea told me about this meme she's got going on in her journal, since I am a horrible lj friend and only come on livejournal to read ONTD. So this means I'll be updating more than once every two months!

Anyway, here are the categories:
Day 01 - Favorite current artist
Day 02 - Your current favorite song
Day 03 - An album that you’ve bought at least three times
Day 04 - Favorite song from your favorite artist
Day 05 - A song that makes you happy
Day 06 - A song that makes you sad
Day 07 - Most underrated album
Day 08 - Most overrated album
Day 09 - An artist you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 10 - Favorite classic (over 20 years old) album
Day 11 - A song you hate
Day 12 - A song you used to love but don't anymore
Day 13 - Your favorite songwriter
Day 14 - Favorite album from your favorite artist
Day 15 - Favorite guitarist
Day 16 - Favorite drummer
Day 17 - Favorite bassist
Day 18 - Favorite singer
Day 19 - Favorite song from a movie/tv soundtrack
Day 20 - Favorite love song
Day 21 - Favorite song from your childhood
Day 22 - First album owned
Day 23 - Favorite lyric from a favorite song
Day 24 - An song/album that you wish more people would’ve liked more
Day 25 - An album that disappointed you
Day 26 - An song/album that changed your opinion about an artist
Day 27 - Artist you've seen live the most
Day 28 - Song/Album that you feel is your life anthem
Day 29 - An artist everyone hated but you liked
Day 30 - Song/Album that brings up a certain time in your life
Day 31 - Your favorite artist of all time

Since this requires me to be decisive, I'll update with the first two songs in another post.

music, meme

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