The due South/c6d big bang is back for another awesome year, and we want you to come play with us! For those who don't know, the dS/c6d big bang has been around for several years (see
here and
here) to encourage the creation of long fics in the due South and Canadian 6 degrees (
what the heck are Canadian Six Degrees?) fandoms.
Hello from new mods
mizface and
hazelwho! *wave madly*
We'd like to send a huge THANK YOU out to last year's mods,
akamine_chan and
lucifuge_5, for making the 2011 big bang so much fun. We are honored to be taking over, and very excited about the 2012 challenge!
We are changing things up a bit, and wanted to a) let y’all know what’s going on and 2, see who wants to come plaaaaay!
The first big change is timing - we’re going to start running this thing very, very soon (no really, very soon. Read down a couple of paragraphs and you’ll see what we mean).
The second, very exciting change is that we will be allowing more types of fanworks, both as primary pieces and their complements.
Primary fanworks will include fic, art, podfic or vids. Complementary art includes well, pretty much anything. Fic based on primary art, icons, fanmixes, heck, you can knit something if you’re inspired to!
So instead of the traditional fics of 20,000 words and artists matched to stories, we are looking for a primary creative contribution (a fic of 20K, a vid of 3 minutes, a significant art project) that will be worked on from May 7th to September 1st. Then every primary creative contribution that has a draft in by the deadline will be eligible to receive a complementary creative contribution (2000 word fic, fanmix, short vid, small art project, etc) that another fan will have a month to work on. The whole thing will go live on Monday, October 8th, 2012 and we can all celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with brand new dS/c6d fanworks!
We realize this is a slightly shorter schedule than previous big bangs here, but we think it’s totally doable (for fic, it averages to 129 words a day, for example). Plus, it will be done before the rush of dSSS, Yuletide and any other holiday exchanges.
So, interested? If so, please let us know in the handy-dandy polls below!
Poll How likely are you to sign up?