Hello! Good morning! Welcome to the Due South Social Post! Get in the ballroom (also known as, you know, this thread), mingle, chat it up with your fellow LJers. The dance floor is open until Thursday Dec 8th!.
Are you something of a lurker, new to LJ or the fandom, or just have a f-list that has been quieter lately? Or searching for that special someone to add a certain zing to your f-list, a yin to your yang, or maybe they write really porny fic and you never heard of them? After kicking the universe, you’ll want to friend them!
I think the most important thing here is that we all - old fans! new fans! - need to get out there and chat along with fellow DS lovers! There’s no better way to keep excitement in a fandom than to have discussions going and fics being posted, etc. Every little bit helps!
Please post about yourself, your friend, your community. Then, check back over the next few days and see who else has posted. Comment to new people! Start conversations! It’s all fun here at
There are two ways of doing this! First, we have this handy template, the better for everyone to stalk you get to know you:
Hi! I’m plugging (me, bitch!/someone else/community A):
Why? (new, want a bigger f-list, wish to promote, really incredibly bored right now, etc.)
Likes: (characters, pairings, genres, interests, kinks…)
Dislikes: (characters, pairings, genres, squicks, pet peeves…)
What do you talk about in your LJ? (Tons of fandom/mostly RL, mix of both, fic!, art!, recs!, opinions, icons, etc.)
Other fandoms I am very interested in:
Other links: (link to your fics, website, list, community, etc.)
Feel free to comment and rec people/communities/fics to those who introduce themselves.
But since this is supposed to be a bit of a sociable party, we’re going to add something to this. If you're so inclined (you can just answer the template questions!), you may answer any of the following (and yes, you can do this even if you didn't pimp yourself, if you just pimped a community or something.):
1. What’s your favorite song/group/type of music?
2. If you could bring three DS fics with you to a desert island, and get to read only those for three what would they be? (If you want to, discuss why.)
3. The DS story I reread whenever I’m feeling blue (or just because I like it that much!) is:
4. I have dreams of this plotbunny getting written:
5. My favorite line of a song/book/movie/fanfic/quotation:
6. If I could live anywhere in the world, and be doing anything I wanted, and living with whomever I pleased, I would be:
7. My junk food of choice is:
8. I have a secret. *leans in close* I--___. (In other words, something you'd just like to say.)
9. I'm really proud of this story/manip/vid/community that I created/run: (and give us a link!)
Remember that the second questions are optional, and pimpery of this post itself is quite welcome. Have fun!