Episode Title Challenge by Aingeal

Mar 19, 2008 10:48

Title: A Cop, A Mountie and Baby Vomit
Author: Aingeal
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: G
Word count: 1173
Summary: Fraser is enjoying being father but there's one thing he hadn't experienced yet. Ray can't under the envy.
Notes: This is sort of set in a universe related to another fic but it can easily stand on its own. Yes it is kid!fic, sappy kid!fic. Many thanks to my partner in crime leda_speaks for beta.

A Cop, A Mountie and Baby Vomit

Ray Vecchio had decided that the smell of baby vomit wasn't as bad when compared to the smell of a baby's diaper. Unfortunately, unlike what caused the smell in a baby's diaper, vomit was not contained in any way and said vomit was currently all over his new shirt. He should just have borrowed one of Fraser's shirts, it would have been safer.

Of course, Fraser never got spit up on. Ray joked it was a sign of affection their son would only vomit on him. Fraser had got that strange look in his eyes after that. Ray would have talked to him, but Fraser had muttered something about needing more formula and diapers and had disappeared leaving Ray literally holding the baby.

“Your Dad and I need to have a talk about this,” Ray said to his five week old son. “And we need to talk. This,” Ray placed his son's nose near to the drying pile of vomit on his shoulder,"is disgusting, okay? This is as bad as your Dad eating carrots from sewers.”

Bobby made a slight snuffling noise.

“Yeah, sewers. You better not have inherited that because if you have I'm not the one who's going to be crawling down there after you.”

Ray stroked Bobby's head. He was lying, of course, he'd be the first to chase his son down the sewers, he'd had enough practice with Fraser. “Yeah, you just don't start doing that until you're older.”

Ray heard the sound of the door and walked to the kitchen to see Fraser place a grocery bag on the kitchen table.

“I got some extra formula and some diapers. I couldn't get our normal brand so I went for something in the same price range. Of course, it cost a few cents more but I think the quality is comparable. The shop assistant did say that...”

Ray recognised the babbling of a Mountie avoiding the issue. “Benny,” he came up behind Fraser who was busy putting formula in the cupboard. Ray didn't have a free hand to put on Fraser should so he tried a slight nuzzle instead. “Look, we need to talk.”

Fraser made a sound suspiciously like a sigh. “It's nothing, Ray.”

“It's not nothing that means you want to go out and worry about what brand of diapers you're buying,” Ray pointed out. “Here, you want to hold Bobby?”

Fraser's eyes lit up and Ray felt a bit smug that he could still read his Mountie so well. “Thank you, Ray,” Fraser replied as he cuddled his son close. Bobby had done his usual and had begun to nap; he often did at emotional moments. Ray had to admit the kid had a heck of a radar.

“So why did you run out to buy formula when you already stocked up with enough tins to see us through the next three months?”

“It was silly, Ray,” Fraser said, focussing his attention on the baby.

“No, silly is leaving without telling me why.”

“It was your comment, Ray.”

Ray frowned. “What? About vomiting being a sign of love?”

“Yes. Robert has never vomited on me.”

Ray didn't know whether to laugh or cry or hug Fraser. “Benny, it was a joke.”

“But you have a point, Ray. Vomiting is something babies do, not all the time and Robert hasn't vomited a lot, only three times, if he did vomit regularly we'd take him to the ER, though of course we'd take his temperature first. He's only five weeks old and I wouldn't expect him to vomit often but I've burped him and he's never vomited on me, yet I hand him over to you and he does. I'm concerned that our son has some sort of aversion to me which means he's not comfortable enough to carry out a basic bodily function. I mean, is it my scent? Or something that we can't pick up?”

Ray shook his head. “Benny, I don't know why he hasn't but he's only five weeks old, you've got plenty of time to get vomited on.”

“I know, but I would like to be able to say that our son has vomited on me.”

Ray couldn't suppress a small laugh. “You know, most parents boast about how cute their kid is, not whether or not he's vomited on them.”

“Our child is cute,” Fraser stated as a fact. “Anyone can see that.”

Ray smiled. “Yeah, but I don't think when someone says 'Your baby is cute,' you need to answer, 'Yes, and he vomits on me.'”

Fraser looked thoughtful. “Perhaps not, Ray.” He sniffed. “I think Robert needs a change.”

“Another one?” Ray sighed. “You changed him an hour ago.”

“But that was before his feed, Ray,” Fraser replied.

Bobby had woken up and wasn't looking very happy. He was starting that slight wobbling of his bottom lip that both Ray and Fraser had learnt meant that tears were imminent.

“You want to change him?” Ray asked. Personally, diaper changing was not his favourite duty but Fraser seemed to enjoy the messy tasks more.

Fraser nodded and led the way to Bobby's bedroom.

Ray watched as Fraser carefully placed their son on the changing mat. Bobby was now wide awake and Ray could tell he just was about to start with some full on crying. There was no doubt about it, he'd inherited the Vecchio lungs.

As Fraser whipped the old diaper off, the crying stopped. Bobby seemed to have been taken by surprise. Fraser examined the diaper. Ray covered as his eyes as Fraser sniffed it.

“This is odd, Ray.” Fraser said.

“What's odd?” Ray asked, trying not to inhale, just in case.

“This diaper isn't particularity damp, or full.” Fraser turned to their son. “Hmmm.”

Nevertheless Fraser picked up a wad of cotton balls dampened them in the small bowl of water near the mat, and began to wipe down Bobby. Ray could have sworn Bobby was smiling as a small fountain of urine hit Fraser's cheek.

Ray giggled.

Fraser finished cleaning Bobby and then turned around, smiling at Ray.. “Look, Ray,” he said pointing to his cheek. “Robert urinated on me.”

Ray laughed out loud. “See, Benny, he does love you. He's never peed on me.”

Fraser smiled, satisfied. “He does love me. He's comfortable with me.”

Ray came up behind Fraser and out his arms around him. “Of course he loves you, you're his Dad. And I love you,” Ray added, kissing the back of Fraser's neck and picking up a couple of cotton balls to wipe Fraser's cheek.

Both of them looked down at their son. He might be five weeks old but he already ruled their lives. And they wouldn't have it any other way. Ray was positive he could see a smile on that small face. Bobby had great timing, that was for sure. Ray had even forgotten all about the vomit that had now dried on his shirt. He had more important things to concentrate on.

episode title challenge

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