ADMIN: And now the bit you've been waiting for...

Aug 28, 2008 21:57

Posting starts today!

Yes, in about ten hours we'll be kicking off the posting for DS Match 2008 with the first two stories.

Each person in our two teams - Team Whimsy and Team Reality - was assigned one of the 14 prompts in the fest, and we'll be posting the resulting stories in pairs each day. Once you've read a story, please vote in the poll at the end of the post, which asks you to rate it on how well it fits the team genre (which you'll see in the header) and on how good you think the story is.

Ratings go from 9 (amazingly) to 1 (not so much), so all you need to do is enter a single number in that range into each text entry box. Anything other than one of those digits will be ignored in terms of votes, but possibly boggled at in passing.

Please note that only the mod making each post will be able to see the poll results, and will not be sharing them with the teams or non-participants in any way, so please don't ask how your team is doing! More importantly, this means that participants have no way of knowing how much you liked their story if you don't comment.

Participants are not allowed to vote in any of the DS Match polls. This applies even if you are a backup writer or have dropped out. Team members are more than welcome to point, prod or push their friends over to read and vote, however, and should feel free to pimp their team's efforts as madly as they like. *g*

Once all stories have been posted, the mods will take the average scores for each fic on their team and from those work out the averages for each team. The total of the final two scores will determine the winning team!

Your mods,

sageness (posting for Team Reality), china_shop (posting for Team Whimsy), and brynnmck (working behind the scenes to keep things ticking over)

ds match 2, admin

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