Title: The One in Which There Are a Unicorn and Some Rather Exceptional Pregnancies and Our Heroes Spend Most of the Story Not Having a Single Clue As to What Is Going On
kinetikatrueRating: PG-13
Pairing: Ray Kowalski/Benton Fraser, Diefenbaker/???
Prompt: Ray Kowalski is a Chicago cop. He's also a Cylon. So when Ray and Fraser discover that Mayor
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Comments 14
Triple bonus points for the Good Omens crossover.
And I will totes accept the triple bonus points! Even though I would count it more as a pastiche/homage/shout-out to Good Omens, than as an actual crossover, since I am neither claiming that the unicorn is also an angel/devil nor that either Aziraphale or Crowley is actually a unicorn. Though, wouldn't that be a fic?
Brilliant writing technique. I may steal that someday. ;-)
This was great.
And glad you liked! Seriously, thanks.
I am also quite pleased to have my writing style described as evil, though I have to admit that this is not a fic I could have written in due South without having spent as much time in Bandom as I have. Haha. Bandom has totally done a number on my style!
Such clever use and evasion of a tricky prompt. due South really will take anything we can throw at it, given the awesomeness of people like you writing it.
*blinks* I have to admit that I am not used to being considered one of the awesome people writing dS, but I certainly don't object to it! *g*
But on the tricky prompt front, I've found there's no such thing as an impossible prompt (assuming knowledge of source fandom); there are only prompts that still need to be considered from a different angle. But I should probably not shout that from the rooftops or anything, 'cos then I would surely be doomed to meet my match.
Annnnnnnd on that note, I'm glad you loved it; it actually was a joy to write, in the end (though I didn't think so much of the beginning).
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