Title: Top Story in the Wrigley Union Recorder-Thursday, March 22nd, 2007
mickeymvtPrompt: Number 100 for
Flooding closes Mackenzie winter road near Wrigley Pairing: F/K; Vecchio/Stella
Rating: PG
Word Count: 677 words
Notes: Thanks to
bluebrocade for a super-speedy and thorough beta
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Comments 39
And as for the freezing water question - yes, water does freeze at O Celsius. Under ideal laboratory conditions. Once you're out in the real world, things are very, very different. Water is an insulator, so when you're talking about large volumes of water (such as a lake or river) then the temperature will have to be significantly lower than 0 Celsius to freeze solid. And ice also acts as an insulator, which is why you often have a thin layer of ice on top of unfrozen water. In Florida, the citrus farmers will deliberately spray the fruit trees with water if a hard freeze is expected. The water coats the branches and freezes, but keeps the tree from being killed by the cold...
/end babble
Thanks for the info about the freezing water, that is what I kept trying to say, but you explained it so much better than I could *grin*
About the -10C. It would be enough with 0C. The shock from the car crash combined with the cold water must have been enough to kill the poor man. (Well that wasn't important but -10 did sound as a bit too much since I know what -10 feels like)
I could never kill them off, angst makes me want to cry so I never write it. And I never saw this as being suspenseful, but I love that you picked it out-it always amazes me how people get the most varied reactions from a story. Thanks!
I felt like I myself opened the newspaper and found this. Great!
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