
Jun 14, 2010 18:58

We're live.

Now, before everyone goes stampeding off to read the awesome stories, there's a few things that need to be said.

Firstly, the authors have been carrying these stories around for a long time now, eight months or more. They've slaved over their stories, cried over them, bled over them. For a lot of authors, writing a larger piece like this is very hard - you've got to juggle the muse and your kids and your significant other(s) and your job and the pets and a million other things all clamoring for your attention. So please, take a moment to show your appreciation for their hard work. Leave a comment, say thank you.

Ditto for the artists. They might not have spent the same amount of time that the writers did, but they put in tremendous amounts of work, as well. The C6D fandoms don't have a wealth of artists (of any medium) and we need to treasure those we do have.

Secondly, please take a moment to leave thanks for the challenge mods and webmistress here. Running a challenge like this is akin to herding cats and a lot of people never stop to say thanks. In case you don't know, your lovely mods for this challenge are sansets, zeenell and akamine_chan, with the amazing eledhwenlin as webmistress extraordinaire.

And lastly, if you couldn't participate, or had to drop out for whatever reason, please don't view it as a "failure." Life happens, writer's block happens, apathy happens. We still love each and every one of you for even thinking about attempting this massive challenge. And hopefully you'll have better luck next time.

Okay, without further ado...this year's World's Slowest Big Bang archive...


*twirls everyone and throws confetti*

ETA'd the correct link.../o\

=challenge announcements, =community plugs

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