Author: R.B. (
rubberbutton )
Website/link to fic: R.B. archives fanfiction
here Fanlore page: TBC
First DS fic posted: 2007
Full disclosure: I’m just a fan
Pairings: F/K, Ray/Ray
Style and Strengths: I am constantly struck by R.B.’s excellent use the limited third-person point-of-view. Not only are the voices excellent, but characters go through transformations, sometimes with turmoil and sometimes with joy, and I always feel like I’m going through it with them. R.B. also has a knack for exploring the friendship and pre-slash element of the Fraser/Kowalski dynamic.
Other DS/C6D activity: R.B. has written two HCL fics, an excellent HCL
meta, and one SGA fic.
Some favorites:
V1K-T0R-1A (Fraser, Victoria, PG-13) A fresh and fascinating Victoria’s Secret AU. The characterizations are excellent, and it pulls many of the same emotional punches that the original does.
Aberration (Ray/Ray, NC-17) This fic pushes many of my Ray/Ray buttons (Kowalski returns from Canada emotionally wounded, Vecchio takes him under his wing, Vecchio suffers from Vegas-induced PTSD and disillusionment, they have sex with Vecchio topping), but what I really love is the way R.B. made me like a Ray/Ray fic set in Florida instead of Chicago. A remarkable feat indeed.
A Tragedy in Five Fucking Acts (Joe/Billy, R)
My deep dark C6D secret is that I don’t like Hard Core Logo, at all (guess it‘s not much of a secret anymore). It is a film that I find inaccessible, with characters with whom I can’t seem to empathize. Occasionally however, an HCL fic will pull me in and make me like the characters. This piece, with its examination of the slow unraveling of Joe and Billy’s tumultuous relationship, is a standout.