snoopypez Website/link to fic:
her LJ Fanlore page: TBC
First DS fic posted: 2007
Other DS/C6D activity: Asher Talos makes the occasional appearance, for which I am grateful. I've never seen Blade: Trinity, but Vecchio/vampire-who-looks-like-CKR is a great idea. She also makes wonderful icons.
Full disclosure: We have written for each other in fic exchanges.
Pairings: Fraser/Vecchio, Ray/Ray, F/V/K
Style and Strengths:
snoopypez loves a happy ending, and the joy with which she writes is infectious. She makes great use of humor, character development, and dialogue. She has a knack for writing the cute/hot combination.
Some favorites:
Possible Miracle Cures (Fraser/Vecchio): This is a post-COTW, first-time story. I love the tentative romance that develops from the friendship and unrequited feelings of Fraser and Vecchio, and I especially like how snoopypez took a line of dialogue from COTW and built a story from it.
Sticks and Stones (Ray/Ray, R, 1465 words): This fic pushes a major Ray/Ray button of mine: bitching as foreplay. Plus, it has one of her most unforgettable endings.
The Arch-Nemesis: A Study in Communications (Superhero!Fraser/Evil!Vecchio, R, 813 words): If Due South and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog had a love child, this would be it. I may have cried with happiness a little when I found this. Notice the surprising, awesome ending.