Author: JS Cavalcante (
Website/link to fic: Her writing is being archived at the AO3
here, alas, there's no way to archive art at AO3 yet. So, her art can be found at her LJ, using her art tag
here. Her LJ is friends locked, but she gladly gives access to anyone of legal age.
Fanlore page:
J S CavalcanteFirst DS fic posted: March 2006
Full disclosure: JS and I are good friends and we often beta for each other.
Pairings: For her writing, JS mainly writes Fraser/Kowalski, but has written many other characters and pairings, including Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, Fraser/Jack Huey, Kowalski/Other, Kowalski/Stella, and Stella/Vecchio. For her art, she tends to draw Ray Kowalski, but Fraser and Dief are also popular subjects.
Style and strengths: JS is one of the best writers in the due South fandom. She's honed her talent and skill from years of being a writer. She excels at storytelling, and her instinctive format is the novel. Canon-characterization is very important to her, and it shows in the little details of her characters. She is always asking herself, "What happens next?" and pushing herself to show what is next to her readers. JS often pulls readers in with her lyrical and emotional writing style, leading readers over a painfully bumpy road, but always tying up all the loose ends happily and satisfactorily.
Artwise, JS has improved her skills and techniques over the past couple of years. She's becoming quite proficient with oils, pastels, acrylics, watercolors and pencils. Her art featuring Ray Kowalski is marvelous and it's been fascinating to watch her get better and better at her art.
Other DS/C6D activity: She has written a Hard Core Logo story
One Last Fuck, Courtesy of Joe Dick - there maybe other C6D stories hidden somewhere.
Some favorites:
Anima (Fraser/Kowalski, 90,770 words, NC17)
JS calls Anima the bookend to
Being Ray Kowalski. In Isis' story, Rae Kowalski, a female CPD detective, is transported to an alternate universe where she has always been a man and shows how she struggles with the change. JS' story is the flip side of that: Ray Kowalski finds himself transported to an alternate universe in which he has always been a woman, Rae Kowalski. Who just happens to be married to Benton Fraser.
JS explores the concept of gender through the eyes of Ray-as-a-woman, presenting it in a believable and sensitive manner. Anima also has some of the most amazingly realistic original characters that are not easily forgotten. This is a long, satisfying read that will put a smile on your face.
Tip, Slide, Tumble (Fraser/Kowalski, 44,163 words, NC17)
Tip, Slide, Tumble tells the story of Jackson Brown, an orphaned four year old about to be thrown into an uncaring social services system. It also tells the story of Ray Kowalski, who cannot bear the thought of that happening, who knows that if he lets go of Jackson, he'll never forgive himself, never be able to look at himself in the mirror again.
JS does a wonderful job of drawing the reader into Ray's life, into Jackson's life, and showing us how impossible the whole idea seems. Yet with determination and some Mountie stubbornness, Ray finds that together they can do anything, even become the family he's always wanted.
Not One Sparrow Falls (Fraser/Kowalski, 9,885 words, NC17)
Ray has a secret he's been keeping from Fraser, and Fraser is bound and determined to find out what that secret is. Stubborn, determined, relentless, Fraser digs and digs until he finds the answers, and he's not sure what to do now.
This story is a lyrical and lovely exploration of the intricacies of Ray and Fraser. As always, JS has their voices down pat, and she marries the religious concepts of falling from grace and redeption with due South canon in an amazing way.
Adventure Bound (Dief, mixed media/acrylic, G)
Dief, on the Quest, leading the way. JS did such an excellent job with this painting, using deft brushstrokes to capture Dief's little face, his lolling tongue, his drive and determination (to eat donuts, that is). It amazes me how she manages to capture his doggy spirit in this painting. And all the other details - his scarf, the trees and mountains in the distance - they add so much life to the painting.