I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s most likely to mean Dief in this fandom. There’s just not that much Turtle fic out there. In fact the only one I know of is
Mortal Enemies. It’s only a drabble, but I’m of the firm belief that it’s more than enough to instill a deep and abiding respect for The Turtle Mind
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Comments 36
OMG, this is *awesome*! You've made me want to write Dief fic!! \o/
Actually, I could probably stretch to doing a little something on Old Dief for Post COTW fics at some point, too. Later, though.
Just a tip? If a dog is looking at you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, try using a big voice and saying, "SIT!" You'd be amazed how many will obey right away and respect you after that. I've seen it work when a dog was coming in to attack.
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm glad you found it useful. :)
Uh, my typing is currently broken beyond that (thanks very much, working day) so I'll just leave you with a random bit of information: Dogs can also be poisoned by grapes. Black ones are the worst, as they are more like to have seeds, and have higher concentrations of the cyanide-compounds in said seeds and the skin. /useless information
Please write more! Please.
It's amazing how much memory one's job takes up, isn't it? I can remember the most bizarre horse trivia, but forget birthdays all the time. And grapes.
I’m sure Dief doesn’t care about the subtle differences between lilac and lavender. (Unless he’s having difficulty with a floral arrangement.)
I sort of feel mind-linked with you at the moment, since this is closely tied to a lot of what I've been pondering for some time now, with thoughts of a Dief-focused post-CotW story that keeps stirring around in the back corners of my brain.
Also, if I can help with any info about an aging Dief or anything else at all, just let me know. :)
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