All you party people

Jul 25, 2004 11:31

Greetings my muchachos! I'm totally in the best mood ever today. I got up and took Paulie to work and then I went to Best Buy to buy that crazy animated Spider-Man they've been playing on MTV. Then I paid the Mervyn's bill and chatted with my mom. I'm getting ready to do the laundry and play some video games. Paul and I are going to gas works today ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Hellooooo Nurse...Kreesh wild_crazy_kim July 25 2004, 22:04:37 UTC
Hi there chipper chum! I hope you enetertained yourself *wink happens and it can strike at any time, I know this! ha! I hope yer not confused. Anyway, luv ya and I'm home safe and I hope we're still on fo friday. Mmmkah baah!


mindlessdreams July 29 2004, 17:53:21 UTC
If I knew you wanted to watch the animated Spider-Man, I coulda let you borrow it. I got it like six months ago.


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