results behind the cut!
gotfame with -10 votes
_takemebabyx with -8 votes
We're sorry to see you go, but we hope you stick around to vote! Challenge Two sign ups will be when we hit the final five, so we hope to see you then!
people's choice
minutesto12 with +8 votes
congrats! you get immunity for the next round.
you must still enter an icon, but you cannot get eliminated.
mod's choice
isi_azarieli love everything about this icon, the coloring, the texture use, everything.
1 - (-2) (+4) = +2
2 - (-9) (+2) = -7
3 - (-8) (+0) = -8
4 - (-1) (+2) = +1
5 - (-0) (+4) = +4
6 - (-10) (+0) = -10
7 - (-3) (+2) = -1
8 - (-0) (+8) = +8
9 - (-0) (+0) = 0
remaining participants
bttrlftunsddudette_in_townfrostedcrystalisis_azarielkelsigrintmilesofsmilesx3minutesto12sarakins thislovebug if you would like feedback, please let me know. i will only link the negative feedback, as not everyone gave a reason for people's choice.
new round up in a bit!