1) Total number of books owned?
I would estimate, upon a quick count, a little over 200 books. Shamefully, I buy more books than I actually read. St. Francis de Sales would be disappointed. But that's what happens when you have a
premier bookstore in town.
Theology and Spirituality: ~65
Literature, Poetry, Fiction: ~100
Miscellaneous: ~40
2) The last book I bought?
The Risk of Education by Luigi Guissani
"The fundamental idea in the education of the young is the fact that it is through the younger generations that
society successively rebuilds itself; therefore, the primary concern of society is to teach the young. What does
education consist of, and how does it take place?
"The Risk of Education explores what is at our origins as human beings. It presents the argument that without the
fundamental factors of tradition-something lived out in the present that proposes and gives its reasons-and
criticism-asking yourself why?-the young person is merely a fragile leaf separated from its branch."
The Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos
"Awarded the Grand Prix for Literature by the Academie Francaise and the Prix Femina, The Diary of a Country Priest
recounts the daily life and spiritual turbulence of a young cleric as he attends to the needs and whims of his
provincial parishioners. While his insights, jottings, character sketches, half-thoughts, and revisions
illuminate both the joys and sorrows in the tiny Catholic universe of Ambricourt-such as the bitterness of Mme la
Comtesse, or Delbende's world-weariness, or the arrogance of Doctor Laville-they also increasingly lay bare the
Christian soul of the young country priest himself, who ultimately, and poignantly, discovers the divine grace that
lies beyond all human suffering."
The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins: 4th edition, revised and enlarged
Edited by W. H. Gardner and N. H. MacKenzie
"This Fourth Edition of Hopkins's poems brings together all the known poems and fragments, including the early
verse first published in the poet's Journal and Papers (1959), and the remainder of his Latin verse, with
translations into English of all the Latin poems which are fully original compositions. The edition retains the
most important features of the First Edition of 1918, as edited by Robert Bridges, but a number of more authentic
readings have been established by checking the poems against the manuscript sources, and the poems have been
arranged in a more strictly chronological order. The Notes include a selection, from the manuscripts, of the marks
used by the poet as guides to rhythm and expression. To the biographical and critical Introduction by the late
Professor MacKenzie, of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, on the revised text, and a note by him on the
corrections made for the 1970 impression."
3) The last book I read?
Marriage: the Mystery of Faithful Love by Dietrich von Hildebrand
Currently reading:
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Translated from the Russian by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
The Lord by Romano Guardini
The Organic Development of the Liturgy by Dom Alcuin Reid, O.S.B.
Spirtual reading:
The Philokalia Volume II
Complied by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth
Translated from the Greek and edited by G.E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, Kallistos Ware
The Spirit of Solesmes
The Christian Life in the Works of Dom Prosper Gueranger, Abess Cecile Bruyere, Dom Paul Delatte
4) Five Twenty books that mean a lot to me? (Parenthesis indicates how such books influenced me)
The Holy Bible (Everything)
Divine Intimacy: Meditations on the Interior Life for Every Day of the Liturgical Year by Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen O.C.D. (Prayer)
The Saint Andrew Daily Missal (Prayer)
The Monastic Diurnal (Prayer)
The Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton (Conversion/Vocation)
The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross (Conversion/Vocation)
Story of a Soul by St. Therese de Lisieux (Conversion/Vocation)
Explorations in Theology Volume II by Hans Urs von Balthasar (Vocation)
Two Sisters in the Spirit by Hans Urs von Balthasar (Vocation)
The Splendor of the Church by Henri de Lubac, S. J. (Theological Study)
Desert calling: The Life of Charles de Foucauld by Anne Jackson Fremantle (Vocation)
Ignatius Loyola and Francis de Sales: Two Masters-One Spirituality by F. Charmot, S.J. (Vocation)
Commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict by Dom Paul Delatte (Vocation)
Wheelock's Latin (Study and Vocation)
Inferno by Dante Alighieri (Study and Vocation)
Purgatorio by Dante Alighieri (Study and Vocation)
Weeds Among the Wheat-Discernment: Where Prayer and Action Meet by Thomas H. Green, S.J. (Vocation)
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Study and Sentimental)
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare (Study and Sentimental)
The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan (Sentimental)
5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out on their LJs: (don't feel obliged)