May 06, 2012 20:50
[last time I posted here, it was the Avengers trailer. Two months ago. Somehow this feels eerily appropriate now.]
The Avengers opened here a week ago, thanks to it being the 4-day Labor Day holiday [say that 3 times fast], so it turns out I've watched it 4 times already. The excuse was so I could watch it in 2D, regular 3D, IMAX 3D and stuff, but the reality is I fucking loved it so goddamn much once-twice-thrice was NOT ENOUGH, and truth is, I thought I was done but now I'm making plans to see it at least once more. Because yes.
And really, no spoilers here [although there might be in the eventual comments], but it's just that. YOU GUYS. I keep seeing everyone I met here so long ago now squeeing like crazy over on Tumblr and Twitter about how much they loved the movie, and earlier today it dawned on me: PEOPLES. WE HAVE A JOSS-MADE FANDOM IN COMMON AGAIN.
So. I'm opening an Avengers Squee Post here for old times' sake. Call me nostalgic if you will. :)
But feel free to post any and everything about the movie in the comments, be it pictures, videos, gifs, links to reviews, pretties on Tumblr; random commentaries, fic recs, 'shipping choices, ANYTHING GOES.
...And let's just bask in the knowledge that we knew over a decade ago that one day Joss was gonna make something larger than life.
Ready. Set. GO!
movies: avengers