Name: Kaela
Age: 17
Previous Stamps: too many to list
Would you be liked to stamp as a male, female, or both?: both plz
The Basics
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: confident, happy, smart, honest, funny
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: arrogant, bossy, opinionated, stubborn, moody
Your hobbies/interests: watching movies, performing, HP, general weirdness
What do people like most about you?: pretty much everything lmao jk I guess I'm funny. idk. you tell me
Goals/aims for the future: to make something of my life !
Would you like your mate to be:
Leader [x]
Follower []
Optimistic [x]
Pessimistic []
Mature [/]
Immature [/]
Pleasure [xxx]
Sacrifice []
Confident [x]
Shy []
Selfish [/]
Introverted []
Extroverted [x]
Passionate [xxxxx]
Obsessive []
Ladylike []
Charming [x]
Popular [xxxx]
Proud []
Serious []
Fiery [x]
Independent [xxx]
Dependent []
Strong [x]
Hurt []
Sweet [x]
Down-to-Earth [x]
Wild [?]
Athletic [x]
When I grow up I wanna be famous…
What to you want to be when you grow up?: I mean, ideally it would be a performer or something but that prob wont happen so I think something to do with psychology /O/
What kind of a parent do you think you would be?: an amazing one tbh I was just talking about this today, I would be the best parent ever. my kids are gonna be damn good looking and have the best names and be so talented omg I can't wait tbh
What would you do to let out all your pent up emotions from a long, hard day?: watch a movie and talk to my best friend....or, you know, considering this is the adult theme, go home and get freaky HAHAHAHHA
Choose from the following:
Marriage or single: marriage
Divorce or Work it out: work it out
Fix your kids or Help them grow: um, help them grow ? lmao I'm not gonna sit there and fight their battles for them
Drugs or Alcohol: um, neither wtf hhaha
Which adult do you think is nothing like you? idc give me any
Anything else you'd like to add?: ty!
[x] I have voted on all other applications.
You will not be stamped without voting on all applications!