Name: Katie
Age: Eighteen
Previous Stamps:
Regular: Alli & Eli
1st Gen: Manny & JT
Floaters: Mia & Blue
Matchmaker: Craig
Mirror: Samantha Munro
Would you be liked to stamp as a male, female, or both?: Both
The Basics
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: Affectionate, artistic, confident, bold, thoughtful, perceptive, kind, clever, free-spirited, compassionate, forgiving, optimistic, and impulsive.
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: Indecisive, impatient, sarcastic, competitive, observant, headstrong, stubborn, worrisome, and a perfectionist at times.
Your hobbies/interests: Reading, writing, singing, painting, dancing around my room, acting, messing around on Photoshop and Corel Painter, watching movies, hanging out with friends, etc.
Describe your personality: I'm really quirky, independent, and free-spirited. I like handling things on my own and going my own way. I don’t hang out with a particular crowd of people, but rather with different people or just by myself all together. I am dependent on certain people in my life, but most of the time I am independent. I’m someone who stands strong with their beliefs and defend them when people question them. I voice my opinion whenever it's needed, but at many times I'm left being as quiet as a mouse. I’m a mixture of both confident and shy. Confident in the way that I carry myself, present myself, my general straight-forward attitude, and approach others. Shy in how I might not approach someone first or not want to go out and talk to someone. I’m an extroverted introvert in that way. I'm a huge dreamer and I spend a lot of my time with my thoughts far off, but feet remain on the ground. I care far more about people and their feelings then an average sane person would. I do care if someone is upset or if they’re going through a rough time and I do love to help others. Sometimes I can come across as tactless and aloof, but I do care deep down. I’m a hopeless romantic and I have so many varying beliefs on love and the concept of love that it just fascinates me to no end.
I am very stubborn and sarcastic. Often times if someone tries to convince me to do something, I won't do it. I need someone to provide good evidence that I should do it or else I won't. If it's school work, I'll do it. If it's a life decision, I might take it into consideration. I can come off as bitchy at times, but I’m in general a pretty nice person. My sarcasm can be a tad biting, but also slightly humorous in a way. I'm not a majorly sarcastic person, but I have my moments. I'm very impatient and I cannot stand waiting for something either a long period of time or just five minutes, but I am patient with people and especially children. I'm just impatient with everyday things. I’m fairly headstrong; if there is something that I want to achieve, I will work hard until I reach my goal. I'm a bit of a perfectionist in how I handle something I'm passionate about. I want it to be absolutely beautiful and flawless and sometimes I can be driven insane by it. At the same time, I'm also very indecisive. When it comes to making a small decision, I can hardly make up my mind and I usually ask for someone’s opinion before I can decide.
What do people like most about you?: My optimism.
Goals/aims for the future: Become a visual development artist for Disney.
Favorite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: "Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening."- Greta Garbo.
Would you like your mate to be:
Leader [x]
Follower []
Optimistic [x]
Pessimistic []
Mature [x]
Immature [/]
Pleasure [x]
Sacrifice [/]
Confident [x]
Shy [/]
Selfless [/]
Selfish [x]
Introverted [/]
Extroverted [x]
Passionate [x]
Obsessive [x]
Ladylike [/]
Charming [x]
Popular []
Proud [x]
Serious []
Fiery [x]
Independent [x]
Dependent [/]
Strong [x]
Hurt []
Sweet [x]
Down-to-Earth [x]
Wild [/]
Athletic []
When I grow up I wanna be famous…
What did you want to be when you grow up?: A teacher.
What kind of a parent do you think you would be?: Someone who is nurturing, open-minded, and loving. I want to raise my children in an environment where they're able to voice their opinions and speak their minds. I will be a mother who is in general relaxed, but not afraid to put her foot down about certain things.
What would you do to let out all your pent up emotions from a long, hard day?:
Choose from the following:
Marriage or single: Marriage
Divorce or Work it out: Work it out.
Fix your kids or Help them grow: Help them grow
Drugs or Alcohol: Alcohol
Which adult do you think is nothing like you? Audra Torres and The Shep
Anything else you'd like to add?: Thanks for voting.
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