1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
faithfulpuppy85 #1 - Void Stuff
From an episode of Doctor Who. It amused me so much in the episode, when he kept walking around with 3D glasses on. Apparently when you put them on you can see "void stuff", which is what is floating around him in the picture. The way he just went "void stuff" and did that little move thing... cracked me up!!!
#2 - Danny and puppy
CUTE!!!! Basically all that needs to be said. From CSI NY, and Danny is being all cutesy with the dog and it's just so damn adorkable!!!
#3 - Dean is so hot
It's sooooooooooo true!!!! Dean is hot. And if you watch Supernatural then you know all you need to know. It's a gorgeous picture as well!!!
#4 - Greggo Play With Fire
From one of my favourite episode of CSI EVER! It's a sad episode really, because you just want to give Greg a massive hug! Greggo being blown up... *tear*... but he's okay in the end. It really has to be watched, it's a fab episode!
#5 - Doctor Who Shakespeare
There were soooooooooooo many things about that Doctor Who episode that cracked me up. As a drama graduate who studied ALOT of Shakespeare (took a module just about him and his work) it was really fun to watch. This was from the bit where he insinuated he was gay/bi so the Doctor turned around and went "57 academics just punched the air". This is because there has always been this theory that Shakespeare was actually gay, so I found it particularly amusing (Other people I know just went... "What!?!? Why did he say that!?") -
4min 15secs into that...
Click to view
I tried to find video clips for the other animated icons, but I can't :(
And I'm done :D