I realise I've been saying I'll do a proper update soon for ages, and I have enough energy and time to sit here and type, so this is approximately a proper update
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which gave me a major inferiority complex and made me stress about relationshippy stuff
Obviously I don't know why you feel inferiority, but weddings can do that. Try not take it to heart too much.
Weddings are very romantic days where everything seems perfect (and hopefully is for the couple!), but it is just a day and it's unfair to yourself (and your relationsip) to compare your own relationship to that.
I think it was partly just that it was a lovely day, and I'm going to be leaving Platt in a few weeks, which makes me sad because I'd love to get married there. And it was partly just that I was having a tired and painful weekend, which meant that relationship stuff wasn't as spangly as it could have been. And thank you for the verse :-)
Incidentally, what is your relationship with Christianity? I've kept meaning to ask but been terribly blonde and kept forgetting...
In answer to your question. My relationship to Christianity is that my step-father is a vicar in London. He was ordained 2 years ago and he and my mother met at their old church, Holy Trinity Brompton where Alpha began and my mom is still very involved in Alpha. If you were asking where my personal relationship is, I would probably have to say I'm probably a fence-sitter but am probably a lot more open minded about religion than either of them suspect ..
Comments 3
Obviously I don't know why you feel inferiority, but weddings can do that. Try not take it to heart too much.
Weddings are very romantic days where everything seems perfect (and hopefully is for the couple!), but it is just a day and it's unfair to yourself (and your relationsip) to compare your own relationship to that.
1 John 4:18
I think it was partly just that it was a lovely day, and I'm going to be leaving Platt in a few weeks, which makes me sad because I'd love to get married there. And it was partly just that I was having a tired and painful weekend, which meant that relationship stuff wasn't as spangly as it could have been. And thank you for the verse :-)
Incidentally, what is your relationship with Christianity? I've kept meaning to ask but been terribly blonde and kept forgetting...
In answer to your question. My relationship to Christianity is that my step-father is a vicar in London. He was ordained 2 years ago and he and my mother met at their old church, Holy Trinity Brompton where Alpha began and my mom is still very involved in Alpha. If you were asking where my personal relationship is, I would probably have to say I'm probably a fence-sitter but am probably a lot more open minded about religion than either of them suspect ..
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