And here's my last
apocabigbang contribution. Do I even have to say it? I PICKED AWESOME FICS. XD Read this one too! You probably need to know Parks and Recreation to really appreciate the fabulousness, but if you're not watching the show already--DO THAT.
This art is for
dramatic_sigh's fic
"it's the whole damn world turned inside out, alright". It's funny apoca-fic! You can read it after the other two I claimed get you sniffly. ;}
This one turned into more of a wallpaper design somewhere along the line. Though I think it's safe to point the blame at a strip-club full of zombies. IJS. All Photoshop with some Blood Spatter brushes from "neb-tssg" at (I'd link, but it's on my other computer. :P)
I'd love to do a whole set of these for each character--I think they'd be a blast. :D If only I had more of that, whadyacallit? Thyme? Peanut butter? BRAINS?
-=> Click here for the 1280 x 960 Wallpaper Version<=- And that's it! For this bigbang anyway. ;D