(no subject)

Aug 26, 2006 17:01

Title: The Life and Times of Terry Boot (as told by Anthony Goldstein)
Type: Slash (with sprinklings of het and femmeslash)
Genre: Amusing angst.
Characters: Terry/Anthony, featuring sides of Daphne Greengrass, Daphne/Luna, various other Daphne pairings, Terry/Zacharias Smith, Terry/Mandy Brocklehurst, Terry/Stephen Cornfoot, unrequited Anthony/Daphne, and failed Anthony/Padma; most are mentioned in passing, rather than dwelled upon, and, depending on how you read it, Anthony may or may not slash Godric/Salazar, but that, too, isn't dwelled upon.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, slash, angst, unintentional humor, first-person Anthony!rambling, et cetera.
Prompts: "Boys don't kiss boys."
Word Count: 1,789
Summary: "…And Daphne is now leaning over my shoulder to tell me that, failing everything else, it’ll help the jealousy that I do not have, thank you very much."
Disclaimer: All are JKR's. These incarnations of Terry and Anthony are being used by me and Chelsea/unrulygarden for the Aguamenti RPG; Terry is her character.
A/N: Written for this week's AWDT prompt.

Terry Boot is really, really pretty.

…There. I said it. Can I stop writing now?

Not that I don’t want to talk about Terry, because I really don’t mind, it’s just that this whole “transcribing your inner monologue about Terry in the hopes that someone other than you will be able to understand it” idea that Daphne had in Arithmancy is kind of, sort of, more than a little bit ridiculous. …Which isn’t to say that I don’t like Daphne, because I do, she’s an amazing girl, I had a really big crush on her in third year, and she, like Terry, is really, really pretty (albeit in a white-blond, blue-eyed, charming, lesbian way and not a dark-haired, dark-eyed, charming, perfectly angular way), but… this is so amazingly daft. I don’t even understand my inner monologue about Terry, so why would it help me or anyone else to write it down?

…And Daphne is now leaning over my shoulder to tell me that, failing everything else, it’ll help the jealousy that I do not have, thank you very much.

Oh, yeah, to explain that. See… Daphne is sweet like raw sugar when she wants to be, but she seems to live with some mad notion that, just because her house color is green, she’s some mistress of understanding envy. Mistress of seducing innocent young girls like Ginny Weasley (who she wishes to say, for the record, is not that innocent), Hermione Granger (who, according to her testimony, has some creepy handcuff fetish, which I don’t believe for a second), Pansy Parkinson (who I didn’t need to know posed nude for her to paint on more than one occasion, thanks), and Luna Lovegood (who gets no comment, simply because there are simultaneously none and too many left to make). …Okay, I’ll grant that she’s quite the seductress, but she is not the ultimate authority on envy, which is evidenced by how she thinks I’m jealous of Zacharias Smith when I’m anything but!

…Zacharias Smith. Let me tell you about Zacharias Smith. He’s a year below me, Daphne, and Terry, a Hufflepuff, and a Chaser, which seems to be something that he’s constructed not only his entire future but also his entire personality upon. It’s not that important to me, since Quidditch is far from being “my thing,” but Terry plays Keeper on the Ravenclaw team, which means that, when I remember to go to the games, I occasionally have to watch that bad attitude with a body fly around acting like he owns the pitch. …He really makes my life difficult, Zacharias Smith. As if it weren’t enough that he’s an annoying prat, a spoiled brat, and full to bursting of himself, he’s also gay as a post, which would be totally fine… if he weren’t, also, into Terry.

But I’m not jealous of him! Really! I’m not! The fact that my handwriting is getting progressively messier is just because I haven’t slept and I might’ve had too much coffee, if such a thing is possible, but in no way is it related to the jealousy that I do not have over Zacharias bloody Smith. Because I’m really not jealous - I’ve got no reason to be. Irritated that, whenever I try to live up to the expectations of the Prefect position and ask him nicely to please behave, he refuses to listen until Padma steps in… yes, I have a right to be upset about that; everything else - no, no right at all. …She really is lovely, Padma; I can’t count the number of times she’s saved me from almost certain demise at the hands of… everyone in the castle. She’s such a better prefect than I am, honestly. Sure, she has her moments where she’s almost completely daft, and the “We’re both prefects, so let’s go out” thing didn’t really work out (all her idea; I just can’t tell most people “no”), but overall really, she does a bang-up job. I really don’t know why Kevin or Terry didn’t get the position… I mean, I’m kind of nervous, bookish, intellectual, awkward, and they’re kind of… not.

But back to the point, or else Daphne will glare at me until I cry. It really doesn’t take a lot to make me cry, but all the same. I am not, nor do I have any right to be jealous of Zacharias Smith, or Mandy, or Stephen, or whoever else has happened into Terry’s path, especially not Zacharias. In all fairness, we’re both vying for Terry’s affections and he really is the better candidate. Daphne says I shouldn’t talk like that, but it’s true. I mean, I don’t like it, but it is what it is, and that’s the truth. If I may indulge in a minor moment of egotistical behavior, just for a moment, I promise: I certainly have the leg up on him in the academic and intellectual regions, but he betters me in every other possible realm of competition. He’s better looking; he has a better, more interesting personality; he’s funnier and more interesting; he’s more adventurous; he’s more athletic; and, I have to imagine, but I bet he’s more fun for Terry to seduce. Unlike me, he actually plays along - when Terry wants to be strung along, Zacharias is coy; he’s ready and willing and has a libido; and he always, always fights back somewhat. And he just fits in so much better with the look and feel of Terry’s conquests.

Terry isn’t faithful. That’s not me being harsh; it’s just bone cold, medical fact. In all fairness, I really can’t expect him to be. He’s done enough in the past few months just by having his way with me, and he is beautiful, and I really do like him, but it’s too much to ask any more of him. Really, when Zacharias went on about how he doesn’t see anything in me, he was just being honest - that’s what Helga Hufflepuff was famous for, or one of many things… I mean, Godric and Salazar, there was just a lot of stuff there, and look no further than the Chamber of Secrets about that, and Rowena probably didn’t have to say a lot to get her point across. …Anyway. Daphne says he was just being a prat, and Terry defended me, but Zacharias was right. Terry’s got better things to do than waste his time with me.

It’s not even a “boys don’t kiss boys” thing, since he doesn’t care about that and neither do I… it’s just a “some things are more important and I’m not one of them” thing.

He even made an impromptu visit to my house, just to check up on me and hang around London, which was really the damning thing, I think. Merlin, I was such a spaz, and he met my mum and my completely mad, Muggle grandmother, and… everything went downhill from there, I can only assume that I did something to make him interested, though I have no idea what.

Terry likes pretty things, and pretty people, which I learned pretty quickly once third year set in. Now, see, he’s very pretty in his own right - I mentioned that, didn’t I? Anyway, he is, so it’s not like me and how I’m so logical, but inexplicably playing out of my league - and he likes them in abundance. Daphne’s the same way, but much more picky… she’ll let anyone pose for one of her infamous paintings, but, when it comes to anything else, any guy need not apply. Simple enough. It’s one of the things I love about her. But all it does is make it impossible for me to see why he’s still messing around with me, because I know he’s not really sadistic… he does get in the way of my all-night study sessions sometimes, or my essay-writing, or my runic translations, or… whatever I’m doing, but he’s not sadistic about it; he just wants attention. And he’d probably stop if I’d stop giving it to him, but there’s a reason why I’m in the “wit and learning” house and not one of the “go get ‘em” houses, and it’s not the force of will that I don’t have.

…Oh, great. Daphne invited Luna to meet us here. Now, I love Luna Lovegood, really, I do. She’s sweeter than sugar and never fails to say something interesting; this is just not something I need right now. I don’t need to know about how she’s secretly some pent-up sex kitten or whatever the hell she secretly is - does she have secrets? I really don’t think she does; she just doesn’t mention things until it amuses her to do so… like something Terry told her about how he’s planning to steal my belt so I have to invest in tighter trousers, which was really the last thing that would’ve made that day easier, but bless her for trying - and I certainly don’t need another girl telling me what I’ve already heard about how Terry really had a boring summer, and he wasn’t off gallivanting across France and Spain with gypsies, most of whom he wound up seducing, and he wasn’t kidnapped by pirates and only talked his way out by offering things he didn’t pay up on, and…

And, apparently, Daphne thinks I should write a romance novel. …I can’t say that this wouldn’t make my mother ridiculously happy - I know she writes; I just don’t know what or for which magazines, but she uses our owl enough that she has to be out there somewhere - but it’s completely off the point. Even if Terry didn’t go marauding about with pirates, or gallivanting with gypsies, or roving with spice traders, or anything so romantic, I just can’t believe that he had a better time than whatever he was doing by visiting me. I might have an overactive imagination by Luna Lovegood standards, but that is asking me to believe too much. There are limits to possibility, and that completely crosses the lines. And I don’t think that what I have with Terry is anything serious. I wish it was, but that’s asking him for way too much. He’s had better than me, he will keep having better than me, and I’ll be quite content to sigh and ruminate on how even the undetermined period of time when I was blessed enough to be his didn’t make any sense at all, was completely illogical in terms of his wanting and my surrender, and how, even though he’s smart, he let me take advantage of him.

Things will all go back to how they’re supposed to be eventually; I’d just really like it if it didn’t hurt so much in the interim.

daphne/luna, awdt, slash, aguamenti, daphne, 1st person, humor, terry/anthony, pg-13, hp, angst, rpgs

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