Title: Languages
Fandom:The Boondock Saints
Pairing: Connor/Murphy MacManus
Rating: R
Word Count: 164
Disclaimer: Not mine. Pity. Didn't happen. Pity.
Author's Notes: twincest Big Damn Table of fic to be found
here. Their ma had often accused Connor and Murphy of having their own language. She was frustrated by wordless or half-spoken fragments of conversations between her boys. However, this wasn’t true. They never felt the urge to clutter the breath between them with unnecessary words. Touches, looks and half articulated hints work just as well, if not better.
Brush of lips across the back of a neck.
‘Love ya. Ya know that, right?’
Trail of fingers over cheek, collarbone, ribs, hips, exploring.
‘God, you’re so fucken gorgeous.'
Hands clutching at shoulders, deep enough to bruise, shaking his twin hard. Both shaking.
‘Ya dumb fuck! Ya nearly got yerself fucken killed. Don’t you ever do something like that again.’
Panting gasps, demanding thrusts of hips, fingers and nails biting into skin. A pushslidethrust and there.
‘Love you. Love you.’
Gaelic, French, Italian, German, Spanish. All their knowledge of words and phrases disappear when they’re together. They have no need for other languages-theirs is perfect.