A funny mix of boredom and a friendly debate over skype made me do this! I have gone though the seasons and maped out Arthur's bed room! I don't have a blue print, cause I lack the skill to draw that but here is a photo tour of his chambers! If you find any errors please let me know so I can fix them!
There are two entrances to his chambers, and if you go though this (
ONE) you end up in the side with the large bed. When you first enter you find a small (
TABLE) and fireplace. His bed is just on the other side of that table, and on the other side of the bed is a (
DESK) where he maps out his grand adventures (in which Merlin has to help him on)! Opposite of his bed is his (
ARCHWAY) to his 'common rooms'(?). Here is a (
VEIW) from the other side of the same archway looking into the bed room. Along one side of the room is display (
TABLE) and windows. His larger table is in the middle of the (
ROOM), and a fireplace that matches the one in the bedroom is there too. Then on the other side of the table you have another (
It's not a complete floor plan, as there is some things I know I left out. Such as the (
SERVANTS) entrance, which was used in a few eps (IE: Beauty And The Beast II).
Hope you enjoyed your tour!
All caps came from: Merlin's Keep