Yet another meme, aka bandwagoning

May 08, 2003 10:03

Why not?
I like this one better, than most, actually.

1. When did you first connect ("go online"), and how?

1992, by "borrowing" my cousin's VAX account at his college so that I could keep in touch with my older brother who was living in Japan at the time. The VAX was great because we were using a Mac Classic II with a 1200 baud external modem. When he graduated, I took advantage of free AOL for a month (using his credit card!) but hated it because the Classic was black and white and graphics are horrid on that screen. Luckily, before the month ended, I found out my high school was giving out accounts if you asked the right person for it, so got myself one. When hackers (aka the boy who sat next to me in calculus) managed to kill the entire server, I moved to Compuserve for another free month. Then the same cousin got a job at an ISP and created accounts for each one of us (but never billed) and we were set, until finally the ISP caught on and cancelled our accounts (because my cousin no longer worked there). By that time, we all had work accounts or school accounts so we didn't care.

2. What was your first communications program?

The icon on my Mac Classic was called MS-VAX that I used to access my cousin's VAX account, but I don't know what it really was. And then on to Kermit. Used Hyperterminal much much later. I liked Kermit, best, though.

3. When did you first chat over the internet, and how?

talk and ytalk, over our school's UNIX servers, with my friends. Tried out IRC once or twice and was not intrigued. By the time I was in college and my friends were "discovering" IRC, I was in the "been there, done that" mode.

4. What chat type program(s) do you use now?

AIM and Yahoo! Messenger, I love Trillian for letting me combine them all in one client. I can't remember my ICQ account, so I can't use that any more. I am not sure if tinyfugue counts as a chat type program.

5. Who was your first service provider?

City University of New York? (that was the VAX) or would it be AOL?

6. Did you ever use AOL?

that one free month

7. Do you admit using AOL in public?

Yes, and then explain it was horrible, and people listen because I used it and must know.

8. Who is your current ISP?

AT&T DSL at home, work connections, and whatever else I can piggy back on

9. What was the first computer that you used to access the 'net?

Black and White Mac Classic 2

10. What computer do you use to access the 'net today?

Thinkpad T30 laptop, Dell Inspiron laptop, or my PC tower (built on my own)

11. What was your first 'net handle?

duchess - unless it was already used, then i modified to duchez. It still is.

12. Did you use any other handles for any length of time? If so, what were they?

If I didn't want people to know who I was, I use 'mobot' so that i could say 'I am a mobile robot'. (Don't ask)

13. What 'net handle do you normally use now?


14. Are you active on any websites other than LJ? If you're willing to say, what ones?

nope. Am I even active on LJ? I prefer not to think so.
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