in 18 days, I'll be back at awesome is that? Can't wait to see all of my foxes. <3
f i r s t s
First car: a Maroon 1993 Chrysler Lebaron Convertable.
First real kiss: Joe Gallo
First break-up: Joe Gallo
First self purchased album: I forget whether it was Ace of Base "The Sign" or Alanis Morrissette "Jagged Little Pill"
First funeral: My great-grandmother's.
First pets: a yellow parakeet named Bubba.
First piercing/tattoo: My ears.
First credit card: Whatever I have now...but it expired, so this is a newer one.
First enemy: Lindsey Olsen because she shoveled me in the mouth? I really don't know...I think we were still friends after that.
First big trip: I went to FL when I was like 2, but I don't remember it.
First music you remember hearing in your house: I was deaf until age 8. jk.
l a s t s
Last cigarette: i've never smoked a cigarette.
Last car ride: Home from Krystle's last night. Just 2 turns, ya know.
Last kiss: about 3 months ago.
Last good cry: last night talking to Moguls online.
Last library book checked out: dude, no clue.
Last movie seen: in the theater - Garden State. On TV - Old School, Rental - Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, at the Ramsey Cinema - Better off Dead
Last beverage drank: iced tea. i WANTED seltzer, but we didn't have any more :(
Last food consumed: gummy bears.
Last phone call: sean.
Last time showered: haha.
Last shoes worn: my cheap black lowtops from payless.
Last item bought: not sure.
Last annoyance: My cell phone charger being completely ineffective.
Last time wanting to die: I've never geniunely and sincerly just wanted to not be alive anymore.
Last time scolded: I'm not sure. The last time I felt like my parents were annoyed with me was when I was talking to them about getting a new computer.
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop? Old Navy
02. any tattoos or piercings? I don't think my ear piercings have closed up yet, but I'm not sure.
s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? nothing illegal.
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? honestly, I couldn't tell ya.
03. what are you most scared of? a lot of stuff. I really hate being alone. That kind of scares me.
04. what are you listening to right now? thunder.
05. where do you want to get married? St. Gabriels Church in Saddle River NJ
06. how many buddies are online right now? 51
07. what would you change about yourself? I'd change a lot. I'd be less uptight, less scared of everything. Much more patient.
f a v o r i t e s
01. color: Blue
02. food: Pizza and Pasta
03. boys' names: William & Patrick (this changes by the second)
04. girls' names: Elizabeth & Caroline (this also changes frequently)
05. subjects in school: I really liked College Writing, isn't that odd?
06. animals: mmm I LOVE ANIMALS SO MUCH.
07. sports: I really like watching Soccer. I'm going to do it more this fall. Who else is in?
08. perfume: abercrombie. i've been wearing it foreeever.
09. cologne: not sure. i've never smelled cologne so good as the cologne Mike Popovksy wore Sophomore year. I think I'd pay to smell that again right now.
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? yeah
02. smoked? no
03. bungee jumped? no
04. made yourself throw up? no
05. skinny dipped? yeah
06: been in love? yeah
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? probably
08. pictured your crush naked? yes.
09. actually seen your crush naked? I have never ever seen any guy completely naked.
10. cried when someone died? of course.
11. lied? haha, yes.
12. fallen for your best friend? hard.
13. been rejected? yes.
14. rejected someone? yeah.
15. used someone? hope not.
16. done something you regret? yes, but "forget regret, or life is yours to miss." - RENT
c u r r e n t
clothes: PJ's...and if I told you which ones, Pam totally wouldn't believe me.
music: "1,000 Things" - Jason Mraz
make-up: none, but I should put some on because I have a monsterous zit...but since I can't think of a single time I've worn make up in like...over a year, that probably won't happen.
annoyance: i'm hungry. that annoys me.
smell: my room still smells a little too much like boys.
favorite artist: I have a picasso in my room, so I'll go with that.
desktop picture: mmm...Bryce Avary.
cd in player: Matt Nathanson
dvd in player: none.
color of toenails: unpainted. i WILL paint my toe nails before this summer ends though.
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: Krystle...unless my mom came into my room this morning and kissed me goodbye and I just don't remember because I was asleep.
hugged: Wow, I haven't hugged in way too long. I think it was my mom.
you imed: Jim Mearns
you kissed: Sean
a r e | y o u
understanding: when I want to be.
open-minded: not nearly enough as I should be.
arrogant: rarely.
insecure: in general, i'm pretty secure. this summer, I was way insecure. I regret that.
interesting: not sure. sometimes I feel interesting.
hungry: aaalwaaays.
smart: about some stuff.
moody: i'm annie comes with the territory.
organized: I should be more organized.
healthy: still alive and kickin'.
shy: rarely
attractive: i'm not attracted to myself, no.
bored easily: yeah...but working at the Ramsey Cinema has taught me innovative ways to cure boredom. Oh, how I love the soulmate game.
responsible: yes, I think I usually am.
obsessed: ILoveJVDB2.
sad: not right now.
disappointed: yes.
happy: yes.
hyper: nope.
trusting: yeah, in general, I am.
talkative: always.
legal: for some stuff, yes.
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: ew.
slap: haha...Last night I had a dream that I went to the movies and this person was really bothering me and we got in this whole slapping fight thing and then later I realized she was a kid. Isn't that awful?
get high with: wtf?
look like: mmm jennifer love hewitt.
talk to offline: anyone, really.
talk to online: anyone, really.
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: i dislike both, pretty much.
flowers or candy: mmm.
tall or short: depends.
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: always ready to listen to music.
love is: indescribable.
what do you notice first: with what?
last person you danced with: i can't even remember the last time I danced with someone.
worst question to ask: not sure.
who makes you laugh the most: My mom, Krystle, her mom, and when we're at school, Sean.
who makes you smile: lots of people.
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: I'll bet if I saw James Van Der Beek I'd get a funny feeling.
who do you have a crush on: who don't I have a crush on?
who has a crush on you: you tell me.
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: a bunch.
of hearts i have broken: only once that I know of. but I did it wayy too frequently for my taste. I regret that a lot.
of people i've kissed: 5. chlut.
of continents i have lived in: uno.
of cds i own: a bunch.
of scars on body: I think just one, on my hand, where I impaled myself with a knife late one night last summer while I was cutting a bagel.
classy way to end a survey!
Here's what I've been listening to a lot:
- The Postal Service/Death Cab For Cutie/Solo Ben Gibbard stuff from the Home cd thing.
- Dashboard Confessional.
- Jason Mraz.
- John Mayer.
- The Rocket Summer.
- Matt Nathanson.