Assessment task tomorrow for English, and once again I am royally screwed |D;;
HONESTLY, WHAT FAGGY QUESTIONS, AND. And there's an unseen / unheard stimulus that we also have to incorporate. They expect us to write approximately 1000-1200 words in 40 mins. Nooooo way.
1. Write a transcript of a radio discussino on Radio 2HSC. Two students are discussing the concept of madness in the play.
2. You are an actor who is about to play the role of Hamlet. You have been asked to prepare a discussion of Hamlet's character, motivation and action.
3. Use the following statement as the opening line of a feature article on Hamlet for a magazine to be distributed to HSC students.
Through Hamlet is Shakespeare's most popular tragedy the tragic action is constantly disturbed by comedy and the protagonist is inadequate as a tragic hero.
Wonderful play, but not wonderful to analyse and write essays and such about ._____________. If question 3 is the one we have to answer, I'm so farkedddd.
Cannot wait until 10:06 has passed has passed tomorrow.
Also, I hate that I can write so much more on LJ than I can in preparing responses to these questions =P