
Jun 07, 2010 17:25

I think I should just give up on maths extension OTL;;;;;;;

I missed out / couldn't finish around about 10 marks worth in today's exam, so the most I can get (if I get all of the ones I answered completely correct) is pretty much 77% .____. If I'm lucky, some of the ones I attempted will get some marks, but even still asdf;lkj.

Apart from that, something quite amusing happened this morning.

I was on my way to school, and in order to get to my school you need to walk through a shopping mall. A lot of students from other schools jig and hang out there, so occasionally there's security/police and it just so happened that this morning there were two policewomen next to the fountain in the middle of the shopping mall.

It also just so happened that I had a free period this morning, which means I didn't have to turn up to school until 10am, instead of 8:40, like the rest of the other students, which means that they automatically thought I was truanting.

Policewoman: Why aren't you at school?
Me: Uhhh... because I have a free period first.
Policewoman: Do you have a timetable that you can show me?
Me: I left my diary at home. (Which is actually true. I thought it was too much bother to try and shove it into my already full bag) But I do have a pass which says I'm allowed to be at school. (Well, I thought the pass that I had said that, but it was just a pass that said I was allowed to be at the shopping mall during my lunch hours)
Policewoman: Oh good, that's what we like to see :) 
Me: *pulls out some pass which says that I, as a year 12 student, am allowed to be at that shopping mall during lunch hours* asdf;lkj :/
Policewoman: *examines* Hmm. Alright then. You're going to school now, right?
Me: Yes, yes I'm on my way there now.
Policewoman: Okay. Thank you.

Straight after that I messaged my friend telling him about how the police thought I was truanting, despite me wearing a year 12 jersey and carrying 2 maths textbooks which clearly say "YEAR 12" and "SENIOR" on them, and he replied, "XD it doesn't help that you look about 12" XDDDD

So that was my day.

I actually tried to wake up at 5:30am to study this morning, but I only managed to get up at 7 XD Did a past exam paper for about an hour and a half then started washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen and mucking around until I finally left the house around about 10 hahaha. What a fail attempt.

Oh well, time to study for economics :D 

Yay, tomorrow is Tuesday ^__________^

[[ Edit: Lmao, most retardedly hilarious version of Hamlet I've ever seen, and all in one minute only. Linkkkkk. XDD ]]

idk, too cool for school

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