Dear Board of Studies,
I love you so much.
Thanks for the awesome birthday present.
Just kidding,
That is all all :)
Love Hate,
So, I checked my schedule again online today, and whoop-de-doo, guess what I find out? Both of my Japanese speaking exams are not both on the same day (23rd August), as I had expected, but my Japanese Extension one is on the 16th of August. That is also the day of my Japanese Continuers written exam. So now I have two exams on my birthday, and for one of them I'm pretty sure I'll get an instant fail. Loveeeeeeeeely.
Anyway, putting that aside (you won't be hearing about it until after I've done it, and I swear it won't be good) I went to Tokyo Ramen for dinner on Thursday night :DDD Cute!Kotarou-kun, definitely what I needed right after an grueling chemistry tutoring session in which I was lonerised, since C-chan wasn't at school that day, so there was only myself, a know-it-all girl and a hyper girl. Oh you have no idea how stupid I felt |D;;
So yeah, back to dinner :D
We ordered, and then while waiting for our food, I realised that there was some well-padded guy in my line of vision who, well, to put it frankly, didn't have his pants up high enough. Kotaro-kun must have noticed the disgusting faces I was making while telling my sister, because he walked into my line of vision and was all like, "Don't look!!! Don't look!!!" in his engrish and he even held up some menus and made *bzzt bzzt* noises XDDD And then he suggested that I sit on another chair at our table that was facing away from the guy: "Maybe you should sit here. Don't lose appetite :D" Dahhhh, too cute ♥ And then my sister told me off, saying that I-kun wouldn't be happy xPP
Vegetable tempura and vegetarian fried rice :D (And my sushi in the background, which ended up being yesterday's lunch xD)
I will probably be staying at my sibling's place at least until the end of next week, since I have exams from Tuesday to Thursday :( And then more the week after and the week after that *sighs* Until last night, my study area looked like this. I cleaned it last night though, so now you can see the floor. It won't be like that after tonight though hahaha.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :)
P.S. Does anyone remember that cute girl from Uta no Onii-san? :DDD
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