Slowly, gradually, maybe...

Mar 03, 2010 00:52

...returning to fandom?

Bad timing orz.

And because I am super un-satisfied with the minuscule, almost non-existent interaction between Ohno and Sho, this post is yama-centric ♥ Well, it was meant to be, but I don't think it is any more. Oh well xD

Watch out for jealous!Nino, Ohno xD He doesn't look too impressed *grins*

Sho seems to enjoy giving not-so-subtle sidelong glances at Ohno...

Other times it's less subtle, and perhaps, less innocent ;D

Actually, the reason why I'm screencapping from this not-so-recent episode is because I love the guest - Yoshizawa Hitomi ♥ She's so cool *___* I liked her better when she was more boyish though...

And the other day I was watching that clip of Ohno on Waratte Koraete, and she was on there too!!! Ah, two shot of two of my favourite leaders :D I love it when fandoms overlap~ 

And then Ohno smiling and laughing so naturally, and the corners of his eyes crinkle--- ♥♥♥

And just because I like his hands :) Haha, it kinda looks like he's holding up his head with the cup xD

Also, just yesterday I rummaged through a KAT-TUN community (no idea what inspired me to, and yes, I am a member hahaha) and snagged some photos of Junno from when he still had brown hair. Ah, my first real JE crush ♥ (credits:

His invincible smile, which he tries to replace with his cool look these days orz.

Hakama + gi ♥

*sho-chan is love, *arashi is sparkles & gaiety, pic spammage, *ohno has pretty hands, *入り口、出口、田口です!

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