A part time job for weekends? I'm TOTALLY interested!!! I wanna be on the radio!!! Would you please let me know the contact information? That sounds like the best job ever!
I can relate to losing your beloved kitty. But at least now he's not suffering anymore. It hurts, but he's in a better place now. Try and see it as though he had a full life, and at least you got to say goodbye.
I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I know what it's like to lose a pet. I've had two dogs that have died, eight puppies that we've had to give away, and countless goldfish. Just try to remember that your cat isn't hurting anymore.
And I know this seems a little insensitive, given the subject matter above, but would you be able to let me know the contact information for the VOCM job? I'd really appreciate it.
I don't have the contact information with me now, it's at work. But there is a posting at Youth Insight with all of the information. maybe if you call them they can get it for you, or i can get it tommorow when I go to work.
Comments 7
And I know this seems a little insensitive, given the subject matter above, but would you be able to let me know the contact information for the VOCM job? I'd really appreciate it.
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