my ling thesis is wrapping up and everyone's delighted.

May 16, 2007 17:46

Dear Ronni,
I'd be delighted to read the thesis... [but] it's really up to Ted....

Dear Richard,
It was actually my idea to see if you would be the other reader, so I'm delighted that you'll do it....
I'm thinking of holding the defense during the week after honors if that fits in with your schedule....

Dear Livejournal,
So it turns out my thesis defense is in a couple of weeks! It's as sudden as the thunderstorm.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, I've been staring at it for long enough now that my photoreceptors are bleached and my eyes have adjusted to the light. I can make out the titles of books I'll be reading in a week. I'm so excited.
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